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Equality by Trance Inc.

                   ▄           ▐▌                                        ▄█▀  
      ▄█▄         ▀█▀         ▀██▀     ▐▄                          ▄███████   
  ▀█▄  █  ▄█▀  ███████▄       ▐██▌      ███▄████▄            ▄█▀  ████▀  ▀█▄  
   █████████   ███ █ ▐██      ████      ▐███▀ ▀███     ▄███████  ▐███▌     ▐▄ 
  ▄█▀ ███ ▀█▄  ███    ██     ▐█▌▐█▌      ██▌   ▐██    ████▀  ▀█▄ ████  ▐      
      ███      ███ ▄ ▐██   ▄▄██  ██▄▄    ██     ██   ▐███▌     ▐ ████████ <PC>
     ▀███▀   ▀▀███▀█▀██▄    ▐██▀▀██▌    ▀██     ██▀  ████        ████  ▐      
      ███      ███    ██▌   ██▌  ▐██     ██     ██   ▐███▌     ▐ ▐███▌     ▐▀ 
     ▐███▌    ▐███▌    ██  ▐██▄  ▄██▌   ▐██▌   ▐██▌   ████▄  ▄█▀  ████▄  ▄█▀  
    ▄█████▄  ▄█████▄   █▌ ▄████▌▐████▄ ▄████   ████    ▀███████    ▀███████   
                       █      ▀▌▐▀         ▀▌ ▐▀ ·<SToNy>·   ▀█▄         ▀█▄  
                             ─- P·r·e·s·e·n·t·S ─-
  +-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-──═≡[ E Q U A L I T Y ]≡═──-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-+

  The main idea was started just by the word 'equalizer'. I was just coding
  around, when I tried to build a simple equalizer. After a few hours, a
  full-color 9 channel thing was born, and I just kept on building and
  building. I showed this preview to some of the members, and they asked me
  to build a small demo around it. They also requested a Quality release, so
  the name of this text-tro was 'EQUALITY'.
  After some coding and fooling around with the colors, we decided to use
  nice, bright colors for the logos and the texts.
  Just take a look and see for yourself!.
                                                   Signing off, *JNY*/TRANCE
                              [ C·R·E·D·I·T·S ]
                     ■ Main Coding done by JNY
                     ■ Additional coding done by MACAW
                     ■ Graphics done by STONY
                         [ R·E·Q·U·I·R·E·M·E·N·T·S ]

         Runs on any configuration, Soundblaster(Pro) or GUS for sound.  

                             [ R·E·L·E·A·S·E·D ] 

   Equality was first officially released at the SomeWhere in Holland Party
   '95 (SIH'95), held in Roosendaal, Holland (8-10 July 1995).

   When we first came to the party, our first impression was "Gee, what an 
   empty place!". After a few hours, a lot of guys came to the place and an 
   hour or two later or so, the place was filled with people (and Computers).
   By the time I wrote this text, I hear a lot of noise, coming out of the 
   stereo's from all the guys. Some guys are really busy to blow their sound 
   to the max. 

   Well, that was about it. let's close this info file, and see the textro!

                           [ P·C· ·M·E·M·B·E·R·S ]

           Handle:         Real Name:               Occupation:
        -------------   -----------------   -------------------------
        [JNY........] - Stefan K.         - [............MAIN CODING]
        [MACAW......] - Vladimir V.       - [.................CODING]
        [MERIADOC...] - Merijn V.         - [.............CODING/WWW]
        [STONY......] - Pim v. M.         - [....ANSI/ASCII/GRAPHICS]
        [Mr. SPOCK..] - Alex H.           - [.............P.R./SYSOP]
        [PHOTON Inc.] - Ewoud S.          - [....................WWW]
                     [ H·O·W· ·T·O· ·C·O·N·T·A·C·T· ·U·S ]
                              Via E-Mail:
                 MeriaDoc : MeriaDoc@XS4All.NL
                    Stony : P.vanMun0@HsBos.Nl (Watch the 0 !)
              Photon Inc. : ESmit@sci.kun.nl

                              Via our BBS:

                           Watch the Text-Tro !

   ■ Special thanks to Mr. Spock for taking care of all Trance meetings !
     and our survival-kit, which includes Coca-Cola and Crispy Chips

                  [ T·R·A·N·C·E· ·D·I·S·T·R·O· ·S·I·T·E ]
          °∙·─══■┤ ·T·h·e· ·S·u·p·r·e·m·e· ·C·o·u·r·t· ├■══─·∙°

                      °∙·─══■┤ Void WHQ ├■══─·∙°
                     °∙·─══■┤ Genuine WHQ ├■══─·∙°
                   °∙·─══■┤ F-S/┤nthix WHQ ├■══─·∙°
                     °∙·─══■┤ iMAGE! WHQ ├■══─·∙°
                 °∙·─══■┤ The Coexistence DHQ ├■══─·∙°
                 °∙·─══■┤ Digital Infinity DHQ ├■══─·∙°
                      °∙·─══■┤ K.L.F. DHQ ├■══─·∙°       
                      °∙·─══■┤ Speed DHQ ├■══─·∙°       
                     °∙·─══■┤ Force II DHQ ├■══─·∙°       
              °∙·─══■┤ Jeskola! Productions Distro ├■══─·∙°                       
                     °∙·─══■┤ Infiny Distro ├■══─·∙°  
                 °∙·─══■┤ Legend Design Distro ├■══─·∙°
                  °∙·─══■┤ Distrorsion Distro ├■══─·∙°
                  °∙·─══■┤ PsychoSquad Distro ├■══─·∙°
                     °∙·─══■┤ Masque Distro ├■══─·∙°  
                   °∙·─══■┤ Hemoroids Distro ├■══─·∙°
                °∙·─══■┤ Ground Zero/TFA Distro ├■══─·∙°
                 °∙·─══■┤ Logic Design Distro ├■══─·∙°
                    °∙·─══■┤ Spirit Distro ├■══─·∙°
                  °∙·─══■┤ Nostalgia Distro ├■══─·∙°
               °∙·─══■┤ The KiP Brigade Distro ├■══─·∙° 
                   °∙·─══■┤ Success Distro ├■══─·∙°
                   °∙·─══■┤ BlackOut Distro ├■══─·∙°
                    °∙·─══■┤ Alpha Distro ├■══─·∙°
                    °∙·─══■┤ Hazard Distro ├■══─·∙°
                    °∙·─══■┤ Trance Distro ├■══─·∙°
                °∙·─══■┤ Trance-o-Mania Distro ├■══─·∙°
                °∙·─══■┤ The Temple Core Distro ├■══─·∙°
           °∙·─══■┤ Cyclone Music Department Distro ├■══─·∙°
                 °∙·─══■┤ And much more soon ! ├■══─·∙°
             °∙·─══■┤ These are all FREE-Download ├■══─·∙°

                °∙·─══■┤ +31-(0)1650-51850 14k4 ├■══─·∙°
                °∙·─══■┤ +31-(0)1650-67577 28k8 ├■══─·∙°
               °∙·─══■┤ 24Hrs/Day, 7 days a week ├■══─·∙°
              °∙·─══■┤ Sysop: Steel /Void/Genuine ├■══─·∙°
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