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Perfect Harmony by tHE Torrent Project


$$$$$7'``` ,²```"+,s$, ,d$P'    The Torrent Project Presents Perfect Harmony
$$P²`,s7"`,+,sS$b ,`²"`"²',sG"  A hiresolution art and hifidelity music disk
P',d$$$$,+ j$"`"²  ,d"`,d$Q$b
 '```"$$i g,sS$b _,$$_'`$$ `"+  The Perfect Harmony art/music disk began as 
P",+²+Q$$;$"g`"²jP"`"Qb $$      an idea over two months ago, when Reflection
 ;     $li$ $ `l$²```"" $$  ,d  had merged with Torrent.  Now the disk is 
,`+,_,s$P`$ "  `$b,_,db "",d$$  finally done and released on Christmas Day.
$"....."'."......`"²"^`.,d$$$$  Enjoy it! It's our gift to you all.

This disk marks the first full production from the Torrent Project.  We will
continue to wow you in 1998 with more productions: demos, musicdisks, and
artdisks.  Look forward to that and look for us on EFNET iRC on #torrent.  
Credits for the disk are as follows:

Code:  Spyko 

Art:                                     Music:
Grafitti Logo // Faust                   "Your Storm Will Come" // CTS
"3001: The Arrival" // Necron            "Seven" // DoC
"Bird: No Copy" // Faust                 "" // CMD
"Mother" // Necron                       "A SoundGod Season" // SoundGod
"Aliens: Coming to Get Ya" // ibr0w
"The Orb" // Faust                        Music was played with the Midas 
"Where Dolphins Dream" // Necron          sound system.
"War" // ibr0w
"Akua-3" // Necron
"Merry Christmas" // Faust
End Logo // Faust
        perfect harmony and all contents (c) 1997 the torrent project
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