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The New Adventures Of Gilbert by adamsky


       Code: Adamsky
   Graphics: Adamsky (except the title-pic which has been ripped from 
                      INDIANA JONES on ZX Spectrum)
      Sound: ???

The game was written in GFA Basic language.

Game requires: 

- Atari STE/TT/F030
- at least 1MB of memory

Controls in the game:

 left arrow - go left
right arrow - go right
   up arrow - jump/go up
 down arrow - go down
     insert - jump to the left
   clr home - jump to the right
      space - teleport
        esc - back to the menu

╜2000 by Adamsky

crap english translation:  grey/msb (contact me!  grey@polbox.com)

i would like to add some words:  currently Adamsky released a couple new
things, just like little utilities, ani players etc.. he was also a main
editor of the polish disk magazine; "ECHO". if you are interested to see
other products from this  lonely  polish coder - then take a look at his
official www-site!


...or write him a mail if you enjoy THE NEW ADVENTURES OF GILBERT!


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