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           .-.         .-.
          / ^ `._.-._.┬┤ ^ `.          .---------------------._____
          `-. ┬┤        `. /          |
            |             |           .   QUARTZ runs only on
             \.o.   .o.  .            \   the newest quantum computers
             ; ┬┤     `    \          . \  and requires at least 2048 qubits
             | ` ._.  ┬┤   |       .-┬┤   `----------------------------------.┬┤┬┤
             .`      `    .
             | \  .        `.
            .`  `._.-┬┤       \           ,.----------------------------------
           /                  \    -._.-┬┤   If you do not have the necessary
       _.-┬┤    .         `.    `-.     `.   hardware, go watch the demo on
    .┬┤  `,\   ┬┤                //  \    |   youtube like a normal person
    |    . `._              _,┬┤┬┤.   )    \_____,--------.
    .     \   ``-----------┬┤   /    |
    |      )                   (    |
    \    .;   Distance fields  \    ;
    |    |                      \   |
    |    |    + Procedural    .┬┤\  ┬┤.
     .   |      animation     |  . |
      \  `.                 .┬┤/`  /
       \  |   + Procedural   \   /
        \_|     textures      ;_/
        . ```````┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤`````┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤.
        .---QUARTZ is produced-- .
       /           by             \
       |    \  `.     .┬┤┬┤   /     |
        `  .`    |  R  |   `.     |
        |`. `.___|  O  |__.┬┤     /
        |  \     |  H  |   .-.._|
        `.  ``-._|  T  |-.┬┤    .┬┤
          |\__   |  I  |  `\ ` |
          |      |  E  |       |
          |    .┬┤ \.  ./`.    /
          |     \       /     |
          |      `._._.┬┤      |
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          |``     |   |  ``   |
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          |```    |   | ```   |
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          /``._.┬┤┬┤|   |```._.┬┤┬┤\
         /   /  \ |   |   /  \  \
        .``````````   `┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤┬┤.
          Music         Fruity
          Made in       Loops

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