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Benzine by Yoe [web]


 /**System requirements:*****************************************************
 CPU: Pentium (We recomend at least 133MHz).
 Sound card: SB16, GUS (The demo uses software mixing so GUS makes the demo
             run slower, we recomed SB16)
 Display: Vesa 2.0 with the folowing video modes:
          640*480*24bit and 320*240*24bit
          640*480*32bit and 320*240*32bit
          (if 320*240 mode isn't found the demo will try to run in 320*400)
          If it doesn't run because of video mode problems try getting an
          updated vesa driver from: www.scitechsoft.com.
 Memory: 20MB of free memory, when running under windows you'll need at least
         32MB of free memory so windows won't start moving the demos memory
         into virtual memory and fucking the timing up.

 Uhhh... Where to start?
 ok, i think i've got something.

 Benzine is primeraly the result of our strong will to create something we
 will like. All of us (Scroll lock, Crunch and Dark Spirit), have already
 created more than one successful demo (not togather, though), but we
 wanted to create something new. A thing that will reflect US, something
 that might not be a winner, or bring us the "big prize" (Unlike the
 common attitude), but be more artistic, and most important of all -
 FUN to make!

 "Everybody died" (Scroll lock just broke in with this cheering massage).

 Anyhow, after Dark Spirit left Immortals (his previouse group) due to varius
 disagreements, and Y.O.E's gfx/music artists joined that group (temp') in
 order to create another vivid meaningless demo (ORAN, DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD
 SAY IT...?), Scroll Lock and Dark Spirit came up with the idea to create a
 demo called "Benzine", a liquid we are very fond of. :) Crunch joined us
 later on, and gave the production much of his coding skilles, and artistic

 After Dark Spirit wrote the music during no longer than one intensive hour,
 and came up with few 2D gfx he created, we started working.

 Most of the coding work, and some of the GFX pixeling was done during the
 party itself - Movement98, but the important stuff was done in Eilon, where
 Scroll Lock and Crunch live - and it has nothing to do with computers...

 We took many Carton boxed, one computer, and 10 liters of Benzine, and went
 to a distant field. Armed with a Camera, We posed everything nicely, and
 than set everything on fire! The main bonefire-flames reached more than 3
 meters (I hope you can see it in the pictures), and the computer's screen
 exploded after a short time (It is a pitty we finished the entire film by
 that time, it was beutyful!). The whole process was documented by Crunch,
 While Scroll lock Spilled Benzine all over the place, and Dark Spirit
 Threw a match where needed.

 The biggest Highlight of that night, was our success of writing "DEMO" on
 the ground. We wanted to write "BENZINE" but we weren't sure it will work.
 after using a shorter word, we discovered it works great - but it was
 already too late.

 With that cool metirial, we went back to Ramsoft (Where scroll lock works),
 and scaned it, after adding a few more pictures from the inet (No, we did
 not burn those houses, shame on us!).

 At the partyplace, Dark Spirit's computer was assigned to the job of
 coding the demo, and he did that great, even though it cost him loosing
 his dial up adapter, his screen card and few vital drivers. Dark
 Spirit mentions that he doesn't mind, because the final result was more than
 satisfying. :)

 Scroll Lock and Crunch worked on the demo most of the time during the
 party, for Dark Spirit unexpectedly became the Music Compo's Moderator and
 Jury. After long hours of hard work which will probably won't interest you,
 Dark Spirit Closed the module, Scroll Lock and Crunch finished everything
 (Though Crunch had many more ideas, which was'nt executed due to the lack of
 time), and we Burned the Demo on a CD (6/640MB!), finally letting our baby

 Now it was all to the mercy of the compo machine.

 It is important to say, that we didn't care at all what our final rating
 will be. BENZINE was a demo we made for ourselfs, first of all, and the
 only thing that was important to us, was to see it on the bigscreen, and
 letting all the other attenders see what we LIKE to do, and what is a good
 demo in OUR opinion. Even if we were placed last, we whouldn't care, not
 to mention that we didn't expected to win, due to the originality and lack
 of 3D and effects.

 The compo started.

 Our demo run perfectly! Better than we expected, and better than it was
 seen on our own machine! The only problem was, that the projector gave too
 much light, so some of our text was unreadable. When the demo ended, we
 were loudly applaude. Yahoo! Non of us cared about the final results: We
 have already got our prize. :)

 Eventually, we reached the Second place, far beyond our expectations.
 Maybe there is hope, eh? :)

 And now, few stories. you may call this a Bonus.
 (These stories are in hebrew and require a HEBREW ascii charcter set)

                                                            DARK SPIRIT / ÖÇ

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