Dea Parca by The Underworld Corporation
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TuC will not accept any responsability whatsoever concerning │ damages (or headaches, stomach disorders,...) arising from use or misuse │ of this demo, you are entirely on your own when you run this demo. │ │ Since Deaparca is freeware, you are allowed to make copies of it, as long │ as you leave it in its original, unmodified state and no money is charged │ for it. │ │ ├┐ ││INTRODUCTION │└──────────────────────---───────·───── -·───── ─ ────── ---───────·-────── │ Deaparca is a demonstration that uses complex mathematical instructions │ to create remarkable (that ofcourse is a relative statement) graphics. │ NO ANIMATIONS are used whatsoever; everything you see is calculated │ real-time by your processor. This ofcourse implies that the smoothness │ and overall speed of the demo are highly dependent of the power of │ your processor. │ │ Since Deaparca is calculated in real-time, it can be used to demonstrate │ the power (or lack thereof) of your computer. │ │ To enjoy this demo at its fullest we recommend you have a fast processor │ (486/66) and a soundcard (preferrably GUS/MAX). │ │ ├┐ ││REQUIREMENTS │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Deaparca -NEEDS- at least: -386+ processor │ -VGA-Card (256K or more) │ -590K of Free Base Memory │ -1024K of Free XMS │ │ To Really enjoy this demo: -Soundcard (Preferrably GUS/MAX) │ -486/66 or Better │ -VLB or PCI VGA-Card │ -A Girlfriend :) (well...we're only kids) │ │ ├┐ ││NOTES ABOUT THE SOUNDSYSTEM │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Deaparca uses TGP (The TuC-Soundsystem) to provide you with a quality tune │ while watching the splendid (you decide!) effects. │ │ The TGP-Soundsystem is available to you as well! If you are a PascalCoder, │ and you don't mind adding a 'uses'-clause to your programs, then TGP is │ THE quality solution for you. │ │ TGP Supports: -Nosound │ -Speaker │ -Parallel DAC │ -SB/Pro │ -SB16/AWE32 │ -GUS/MAX │ │ Special Features: -Fully Optimized for Dolby Prologic Surround │ -Fully Optimized for LucasFilm's THX-Surround-System │ -TurboPascal Helpfile included (can be loaded into │ your help database) │ │ You can find TGP on every board that supports Pascalnet-Filedistribution; │ to be really sure you have the latest version you can filerequest it │ from Fidonet node 2:292/504, using the magic name "TGP". │ If you don't have Fido-Capabilities, you can call our WHQ Toxic Dreams, │ at +32-15-319376. │ │ ├┐ ││BUGS, CRASHES, NERVOUS BREAKDOWNS │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Well, we tested Deaparca on several computers, and it seemed to work just │ fine. But ofcourse, every configuration is different so we cannot possibly │ predict how Deaparca will run on all computers. │ If you encounter problems, try rebooting without any TSRs or Drivers loaded, │ and run the demo again. If the problem still exists, feel free to contact │ us! (if enough bugs are reported, a bugfix-release is highly likely) │ │ ├┐ ││THE CREDITS │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Code: Corona / TuC │ Freaker / TuC │ Hobbit / TuC │ │ Graphics: Natural Mystic / TuC │ Freaker / TuC │ Guen / Realtech │ Sphy (TuC-Logo for Demo and T-Shirts) │ │ Virtual Reality Design And Path: Sinecure / TuC │ │ Soundtrack: Antonio Roffo / Azure Sky │ Blue Adonis / Pure │ Dragonraptor / Azure Sky │ The Orme / Azure Sky │ │ This File: Sinecure / TuC │ │ │ ├┐ ││THE TUC DEAPARCA CREW │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Freaker Gunther Voet (Founder/Coder) │ Sinecure Stefan Allaert (PR/Writer/Coder) │ Corona Sven Van Soom (Coder) │ Hobbit Onno Bouduin (Coder) │ Natural Mystic Tom Devleesschauwer (Graphics Artist) │ │ ├┐ ││CONTACTING TUC │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ Data : Toxic Dreams TuC WHQ +32-15-319376 │ Fidonet : Freaker : 2:292/504@Freaker (TuC Founder) │ Sinecure: 2:292/504@Sinecure (TuC PR) │ Internet: Freaker : │ Sinecure: │ │ │ ├┐ ││OUR RESPECTS TO THE FOLLOWING │└───────────────────-─────── ─────-·───-───- -───────--∙--─────────── ─ ─── │ (In order of appearence :^) │ │ Azure Sky Cubic Team EMF Future Crew Iguana Kone │ Pure Realtech Serenade Tehdas The Natives │ Tran Asphyxia VLA Corosion Capacala │ Dust Outlaws OTM Coexistence NoooN │ │ Major Shout Out To The ASSEMBLY'95 Organisers! │ │ PS: Thanx to WaR of Tehdas for The Cool ASCii Logo! │ │ │ -[ See You In Another TuC Production ]- │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────·───--·─·──────
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