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Blackout by Platinum

*                                BLACKOUT                                    *
*                                PLATINUM                                    *
*                               - MEMBERS -                                  *
* -Dodgy-     Coder                  | - Tarl -     Coder                    *   
*                                    |                                       *
*Name: Sylvain Martin                |Name: Stéphane Lebrun                  *
*Studies: 1.5 years Civil Engineering|Studies: 1.5 years Computer Science    *
*         1 year Computer Science    |                                       *
*Age: 20                             |Age: 19                                *
*Hobbies: -Clubbing :)               |Hobbies: -Clubbing                     *
*         -Sleeping late             |         -Coding                       *
*         -Coding                    |         -AD&D                         *
*         -Clubbing (urm a repeat? ) |         -Mudding                      *
*         -Shadowrun and AD&D        |         -Partying                     *
*                                    |                                       *
* We can be reached at:                                                      *
* Dodgy:                                                                     *
* Internet: esm0263@bosoleil.ci.umoncton.ca <-Preferable even if its a giant *
*       or: dodger@info.umoncton.ca           print server                   *
*                                                                            *
* Tarl:                                                                      *   
* Internet: esl0415@bosoleil.ci.umoncton.ca <-Preferable                     *
*       or: tarl@info.umoncton.ca                                            *
*                                                                            *

Here it is folks...
  It's mean its bad.... its.... BLACKOUT!!! We've been programming for a while
  now, mostly Turbo Pascal, but we're learning assembly right now.
  This demo contains a mixture of both... but its mostly 90% pure pascal and
  the rest is assembly or inline assembly. At first we only wanted to assemble 
  all of our work into one peice but figured we might as well make a little 
  demo instead just to see how it would come out...
  This was just for fun,  We wanted to do a demo for a long time but we lack
  the support of a graphix and music artist, needless to say we didn't want 
  to scare you away with my MOD composition or our graphix work of art =)
  This demo might need lots more work but we're having ideas for our next demo
  and we wanted to get rid of this one as soon as possible. We hope that our 
  next demo will be better. There's still alot of things we don't know how to
  do yet, but we're learning something new everyday.  2 months ago I didn't 
  even know what MOV AX,13h and INT 10 was, but now I work everyday with the 
  damn thing, Right now we're trying to figure out ModeX and learn how to code
  vectors and matrices.  I bet Coca-cola is glad I'm coding late into the 
  night, cos I emptied the machine a couple of times =). 

Technical drek:
  Sorry if this demo is too slow for your box... The only things available for 
  beta testing we had were the universitie's computers (386/40 those in our CS 
  labs and the 486/33 in the psychology labs<where most of our coding took 
  place.... its full of computer illiterate women... catch my drift =) >)
  We also tested on my 486/33 with a SBpro2 card and on Tarl's 386/40 with a
  Sound Blaster mono (sucks majorly =)... Tarl wants to beat me up for that 
  but see if I care  MUAHAHHAHAHAH! ) all those hours on Foothills must be 
  getting to me.... psst!! hey newbies... watch out you have to ask me to 
  get residency just say you liked my work and I'll think it over...
  I think this thing requires atleast 520K of conventional memory 
  "HEY MICROSOFT BREAK THE DAMM 640K BARRIER!!!!", and a trident compatible 
  VGA card or any 100% VGA compatible will do.... I hope! 

  -Please find someone with a real machine or buy yourself a 486 motherboard
   there affordable now you know...
   And I hope you don't intend to use the PC sqeaker to listen to the music
   I RAN IT FOR BETA TESTING...... *SIGHS*..... I guess lifes a bitch then
   you die... or marry one then die... hey atleast maybe you'll die a happy
   man... Maybe I should shut the hell up now cos its 1AM, I got an assembly
   program to do for tomorrow morning and my course is at 8:30 (I think????)
   BTW don't ask me where it is... its still a complete mystery...
   and boy do I need another Coke but the !@#$%^&*( change machine is broking
   and all I got is 90cents but the damm thing is 1$... damm I think I'll let
   Tarl type for a while... just remember one thing.... 
   Fast as fast can be... till the trill of speed overcomes the fear of death!
      wich is probably not the case for this demo =)...

Tarl :
   G'day people!
   I almost fell asleep while watching Dodgy write his 35 pages of text....
   ok ok.. I'm exagerating a BIT!
   Anyway... Sorry about our spelling but we're tired and cranky and we 
   want to finish our ASM assignment so we can blow this joint.
   And just for the record... My computer DOES NOT SUCK!!
   Well i hope you enjoy our 1st demo...
   I'm currently working on some grafix procedures in ASM(cuz it rules).
   They are a lot faster than what we were using in some parts.....:)
   Well i'll cut it short so you guys don't fall asleep reading this...

   Greetings to : - All the Demo Coders/Artists/Musicians out there
                  - All you Demo fans
                  - The guys on Valhalla
                  - The peeps on Foothills
                  - All my friends
                  - The guys in CS with us...

   Seeya later....
                  Be ready for our next Demo....

   And in the meantime... If you have to drink and drive... Drink Coke!

                            - Tarl Dragonspear -

                            - Dodgy The Prince of the Nine Hells -

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