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Shells1 by Abaddon [web]

             SHELLS1, by Tamas Kaproncai (TomCat of Abaddon)
                  Ray-tracing intro and bench-mark test

/N: do not waiting for the vertical retrace before writing
    to the screen.

Memory: more than 600K
EMS dirver: no please!
FPU: needed!
CPU: 386,486,Pentium...
VGA: with 256 or 16M colors

Technical details
The method: Z-buffered backward ray-tracing
Used VGA resolutions: 320*160*16M, 640*160*16M, 320*480*256
True color supported on: VESA boards and TSENG ET4000/W32
Virtual screen size: 320*160 pixels
Traced area: 160*102 pixels
Frames: 240
Objects: 1 sphere / each frame
Lights: 1
No: shadow, transmission, reflection, refraction calculations
Phong highlight calculated by: the logarithmic instructions of the FPU
The memory model: Flat Real Mode
Code: Pentium optimized
EXE file packed by: PKLITE + MRLITE

The object
came from STANDARD PROCEDURAL DATABASES, by Eric Haines, 3D/Eye, Inc.
which software package is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
(Travis, ok?)

It depends on the VGA card and the FPU. The best:
- you have a Pentium FPU with the highest MHz,
- your VGA card has vesa mode like 320*200*16M,
- you switch off the waiting for the vertical retrace.

A much more slower version of this routine was already shown
in our 64k intro called Pied at ASM'95 in Helsinki.

Greetings to
Malcolm Taylor
Paul S. Heckbert
Eric Haines

Contact info
Smail: Kaproncai Tamás
       Bocskai u.6.
Email: tomcat@master.fok.hu
   or: tomcat@rs3.szif.hu
   or: tomcat@rs1.szif.hu

====                                           wWw
                          Kaproncai Tamás     (o o)
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