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LIMITEO by Bon^2 [web]

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 █   In Bun We Trust █ ██████████  ██████████  ████  ████ █ Release no. 0006  █

 █ Metadata █
 █                                                                            █
 █  Demogroup: bon² (Bon^2 on Pouet and anywhere else without unicode)        █
 █  Prod name: LIMITEO                                                        █
 █  Prod type: Demo                                                           █
 █    Runtime: 3 minutes 15 seconds                                           █
 █       Date: October 2016                                                   █
 █      Party: TRSAC 2016                                                     █
 █   Demotool: Werkkzeug 1.2 by Farbrausch                                    █
 █     Design: TomoAlien                                                      █
 █   Graphics: TomoAlien                                                      █
 █             Earth Texture by James Hastings-Trew                           █
 █                             (http://planetpixelemporium.com/planets.html)  █
 █      Music: TomoAlien                                                      █
 █                                                                            █
 █ Preface █
 █                                                                            █
 █  (TomoAlien Speaking)                                                      █
 █  First of all... I'm now the sole member of bon² due to a VERY SERIOUS     █
 █  falling out with ZanaGB. The way I've acted during the whole ordeal was   █
 █  was immature, so I'd like to apologize for it once again.                 █
 █  However, I don't regret the breakup, as it has only proven to be          █
 █  beneficial for me in hindsight.                                           █
 █                                                                            █
 █  This whole ruckus does tie into the production of this demo.              █
 █  You see... this demo was meant to be directed by ZanaGB, considering the  █
 █  really good reception Faux Processing got. This demo was meant to be a    █
 █  homage to many other demos in a retrofuturistic style. A few prototypes   █
 █  of effects meant to be featured in that demo were made, and have been     █
 █  published by ZanaGB without my permission after the quarrel, along with   █
 █  a prototype version of the soundtrack, which was vastly different.        █
 █                                                                            █
 █  After we fell out, I cancelled the demo and thought about quitting        █
 █  demoscene. However, people started telling me that this wasn't the way    █
 █  to go, that I should just make demos on my own, that I shouldn't let      █
 █  let the departure of someone close demotivate me from doing what I love.  █
 █  I've been told to take some time, and think about it. So I did.           █
 █                                                                            █
 █  The result? Well... you're looking at it right now!                       █
 █  Not only I didn't quit the demoscene, but I've also decided to make this  █
 █  demo from scratch! The only thing that this demo keeps from the original  █
 █  plan is the retrofuturistic design and the music.                         █
 █                                                                            █
 █  Also, as you might've noticed... I've done a little bit of redesigning.   █
 █  First of all, new logo. Less generic design now, and it has bunnies in    █
 █  it! I really like this new logo I did... Yeah I'm getting kinda proud of  █
 █  myself...                                                                 █
 █                                                                            █
 █  In the end... I think this turned out to be a really good demo!           █
 █  I hope that you'll enjoy it! :)                                           █
 █                                                                            █
 █  Fun fact: I've made a playable .bms version of the music used in this     █
 █  demo before I started the work on the demo from scratch.                  █
 █  That version can be downloaded here:                                      █
 █  http://tomoalienbms.tumblr.com/post/150167108404/tomoalien-limiteo        █
 █                                                                            █
 █  I love rhythm games, I love the demoscene! I did the logical thing and    █
 █  fused these two things together! :)                                       █
 █                                                                            █
 █ Greetings █
 █                                                                            █
 █  ASD, Booze Design, Conspiracy, Desire, DMA, Fairlight, g0blinish,         █
 █  Haujobb, Hokuto Force, Mercury, Meteoriks Organizers, PWP, Quite,         █
 █  Razor 1911, Red Sector Inc, Still, Titan, Triad, Trilobit, TRSI           █
 █                                                                            █
 █  ...and YOU, of course! :)                                                 █
 █                                                                            █
 █ Special Greetings █
 █                                                                            █
 █  These are greetings given for special reasons. In chronological order:    █
 █  Farbrausch - Without them, Bon² wouldn't exist                            █
 █  Sensenstahl - Long-time supporter                                         █
 █  Fra - Charitable person                                                   █
 █  Starchaser - Thank you for the tokens                                     █
 █  Gargaj - Very encouraging and overall a nice person                       █
 █                                                                            █
 █ Members █
 █                                                                            █
 █  TomoAlien - Despite everything, it's still me.                            █
 █                                                                            █
 █ Links █
 █                                                                            █
 █  bon² website:                                                             █
 █  http://bon2.untergrund.net/                                               █
 █                                                                            █
 █  bon² on Pouet.net:                                                        █
 █  http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=12302                               █
 █                                                                            █
 █  bon² on demozoo.org:                                                      █
 █  http://demozoo.org/groups/50138/                                          █
 █                                                                            █
                                                               nfo by TomoAlien
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