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Discovery by Astroidea [web]

- requires DX11, Shader Model 5, Win8 (or d3dcompiler_47.dll), an atomer⌡m√, and about 1.5 minutes of free time
- 1280x720
- 44khz, 16bit, stereo

used tools:
- crinkler 4k compressor by Rune L. H. Stubbe (Mentor/TBC) and Aske Simon Christensen (Blueberry/Loonies)
- shader minifier by Ctrl-Alt-Test

- view dependent recursive icosahedron subdivision using geometry shaders & stream out (15 passes)
- 10 octaves of 3d simplex noise for the terrain (and lots of small hacks for the lighting)
- semi-deferred rendering enabling normal reconstruction without noise derivatives
- 48 steps of ray marching for the atmospheric scattering algo including the clouds (<- slowness ensues)
- filmic tonemapping (read: cheap)
- pixel shader sound precalculation

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