Warpgate by Jum Hig
Warpgate PSX ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A demo game by James Higgs (aka Jum), programmed specially for the Lik-Sang y2kode console programming competition (www.y2kode.com). Platform: Playstation Dev System: Caetla + Xplorer V2 + link cable + PC. Dev Tools: GNU C for MIPS (mipsgcc) Homebrew libraries. PSP, Goldwave. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warpgate is a "Defender" style game for the PSX. At the moment it's still an alpha version - many features have been omitted in order to meet the competition deadline. I chose this style of game because I wanted to code a complete game, so it had to be simple so that I could make the deadline. Well it turns out that sometimes games that look simple, sometimes aren't :) Take a look at the text file in this distriution called "analysis.txt", to see how the game is built. How To Run The Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The game is contained in 1 PSX executable file. It can be uploaded to a PSX and run by using Caetla, eg: > psexe wg Or it can be burnt to a CDR (you will have create your own CD boot files, though). Controls ~~~~~~~~ Once the game is running, it will cycle through the title screen, story screen, hiscore screen and credits screen. Press START to start a new game. Press X to fire lasers. Press O for smart bomb. How to Play the Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shoot everything except the humans. Protect the humanoids from being abducted by the alien ships. Try not to get hit by an alien bullet. The different alien ships behave differently, so you will have to learn their behaviours if you want to survive. But here are two tips that will keep you alive longer: 1. Save your smart bombs for when you have to shoot the pods. 2. Try not to follow behind an alien ship - it will have more chance to shoot at you. There are 8 levels in the game - if you make it past level 4 you're doing well. Oh and have fun! Future ~~~~~~ Well this game is not finished. Extra alien types, motherships, invincibility pods, bonus waves, etc etc are all ideas that still need to be implemented. If you have any good ideas or comments, email me. - James Higgs - james7780@yahoo.com
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