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;                                    Cells                                     ;
;                   Cells may grow now... in small sizes. ;)                   ;
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;    Party:   Function'13                                                      ;
;    Compo:   256b intro                                                       ;
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;    NOTE: Run it from straight DOS - FreeDOS -, VM will be slow.              ;
;          DosBOX is OK - at least for me it worked...                         ;
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;     Author: RawBits                                                          ;
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;    Website: http://rawbits.cu.cc/                                            ;
;     E-mail: RawBits2010@gmail.com                                            ;
;    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RawBits                                      ;
;         G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/117463199848480430994                ;
;    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ojbhbz                                    ;
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