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Panurus Biarmicus by Planet Jazz

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     |                          ____     _____            |
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     |     \   \|   _|    .    /»  \_   /   \_     /      |
     |____ /    ____\|____|__ /_____/_ /_____/_____\ _____|

     released @ Gerp 2013 -!- panurus biarmicus -!- enjoy or die
      _      _                                            
     -7- asm / language magic by Olle               
      I  gfx ] pixel fisting by Optic                     .
      |  ahx Z parameter twangin` by TRiToN               ╖
      !                                                   í
     -+- asc`` logo by Speedevil (1999)                  -+- 

Last notes, unfortunately the song plays a tad bit too slow due to last minute requirement to write own cia-timer.

Also sorry for wrong information to Spot, Yonx, Randy, Slash and Wasp about musician as i was mixing things up (too tired so just discard everything)

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