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Endlich Normale Leute by Metalvotze [web] & Darklite [web]

                            ___   /\  ____                                    
                          _/  // /  \     \                                   
                          \___/ /    \     \    d A R K L i T E               
                              _/      \     \                                 
  __________  ______      _____________.     .______. _____ ._____   ____     
._\__      /__\__.  \__ __\__     /    |____ |      |-\_. /-|    |__/  _/____ 
|  |/     /     \|    /.\  _/    /.\   _  _/_:      :   |/  :     _/  _/    /.
|        /       |     .   \           |    /.              .     |   \      |
               _  __  _  _                  _      _               H7/dS!     
                   /__/  /                  \  ____/                          

                          -- -<  A   N   D  >- --

    ___  ____   ________    _____        ______     ______
 _ _\ _\/___/___\  ____/   _\   /__    __\___  \____\    /
__     \/     /     _/____/     __/___/    _     _      /______
 /     /     /     /     _     /     /     /     /     /     _/
/_____/     ______/     /_____/     ______/     /_____/     /
  ---/_____/-----/_____/-----/_____/-----/_____/-----/_____/  m e t a l v o t z e
                          ______ ______     _____        _______    ________
                   ______/     /_\___  \____\   /__    __\___  /_  _\  ____/
                  _\    /     /     /     _     __/___/     ____/_/     _/____
                 /     /_    /     /_    /     /     /     /     _     /     /
                /____       ______      /_____/     ______      /_____/     /_
                  ---\_____/-----/_____/-----/_____/-----/_____/---kp/________ _ 

             | Alternative DemoCompo: "Endlich Normale Leute, Endelig Normale Folk"
             | Credits: Fieserwolf, tFt, Reponse, Ragnarok
             | Released at: EVOKE 2012
             | Thanks to Nerdine/Hitmen & Green/ATW for additional support :)
             | Visit us at: http://www.darklite.org
             | Contact us at: post@darklite.org
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