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Felix by Too Stupid Dogs

                          | $$$$$$$$.$$$$$  $$$$$.  |
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                          |    $$       `$$ $$ .$$' |
                          |    $$    $$$$$' $$$$$'  |
                          |     too stupid dogs     |

             presents their brand new non-elite production called

                     !  FFFFFF EEEEEE LL     II XX  XX  !
                    !!  FF     EE     LL     II  XX X   !!
                   !!!  FFFF   EEEE   LL     II   XX    !!!
                    !!  FF     EE     LL     II  X XX   !!
                     !  FF     EEEEEE LLLLLL II XX  XX  !


  Coding   - Dog         We're actualy two different dogs,
  Graphism - Dog         but we're far too stupid to tell
  Music    - Dog         oneself from the another.

  And thanks to those clever guys from France...


  Some kind of PC I guess. A little extended memory may be neccesary. And a 
  music card would greatly enlarge your enjoyment.


  Please feel free to do anything you wish with this software. We are not 
responsible for any damage whatsoever. Do we look responsible?


  We don't feel like contacting you.

Come on, that's boring! Let's find some food! 
Where's the food?
Follow me!
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