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Atomic Energy by Omicron

╔═───── ·                     ·─═Atomic  Energy═─·                   · ──────═╗
│ Released: 14 Dec 1993                                                       │
· Requires:  386/16mhz or better    ???KB ram  512KB XMS                      ·
  Soundsystem: Goldplay by The Codeblasters

  Sorry for all you guys who have been waiting so long for this demo. But now
  it's here. Maybe not too original but hey, we must leave something for our
  next demo :-). The GUS support may come later as an upgrade. You can find it
  on our WHQ -=MOSTLY HARMLESS=- when (if) we release it. The number is at the
  end of this text.

  We have got a new member since the last demo and the updated memberlist in
  alphabetical order follows:

  Alias:              What he does:              Real name:
  Blackcross          Graphix                    Daniel Wentz
  Cubic One           Music                      Jens Bergmark
  Onyx                Music,Graphix              Thomas Hjelm
  Orc                 Code,Music,Graphix         Tobias Hasselrot
  Starlight           Code,Music,Graphix         Daniel Hasselrot
  Wizard              Code                       Magnus Ahltorp


  The setup may not be very readable on some computers, and therefore we have
  added the switch /O, which will disable the fancy background. When you run
  the setup without the switch, a text will be displayed that will inform
  you of the switch, and this text may be bypassed by pressing any key.


  As everybody else, we are looking for a sponsor. Contact us at one of the
  adresses below.

  We also make commercial demos, and if you are interested in this, contact us.

  Contacting Omicron:

  Our WHQ: Mostly Harmless, +46-(0)8-520 173 96 ZyXel+ 24h
           SysOp Hotblack Desiato
           FidoNet adress 2:201/2120
           CDN adress 94:710/116
           SBC adress 14:1700/305
           You can always drop a note to us in the Omicron Section in the BBS.

  Wizard: Magnus Ahltorp, FidoNet 2:201/2115.2

  Or write a letter to:
   Orc / Tobias Hasselrot
   Riddarvägen 23
   181 32 Lidingö
·                                                                             ·
│                                                                             │
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