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	                       Ω s t r o i d e Ω


				  SCEneST '96
                          "the hungarian sceneparty"

		     ++  t h e    s e c o n d    a c t  ++

			       " THE EXORCIST "

                       1996. april 12-14 Budapest/Hungary

	  In the spring of 1996 we'll organize again the SCEneST, which will
	be much-much better and bigger than the last year event
				more prizes
				 better organizing
				  better atmosphere
				   more attenders....

	  Last year, we successfully organized the biggest hungarian scene
	party: 600 computer freak came together. We hope, in 1996 we'll
	break this record and after a few years the SCEneST will become a
	real world-sized scene party.

	  There are a few big parties around the world, even in the nordic
	countries. The number of the visitors in the biggest one (ASM'95)
	was 4200. In Hungary, 1000 would be a really big number, it's up
	to you! We got very positive echoes about the sceNEst#1, everyone
	wanted the sequel: "there has to be at least one good party in
	every year..." they said. The partyplace and the compo machines
	was also popular, and we kept our word: we awarded the productions
	with 300.000.- Ft. The organizing wasn't perfect (perfection is
	unreachable), but we knew that the "first can't be the best". We've
	learned from our own mistakes.

	  The things that make the party really better are the productions
	of the compos. The quality and the number of these doesn't depend
	on the organizers, the only one "what" can increase'em is the scene
	itself. Some teams work for the money, some just wanna keep their
	fame, or just live for the creativity. We give the prizes, but YOU
	have to make the prods, so:
		"We ask every PC/AMIGA/C64 team to make demos/intros
				to the SCEneST '96!"

	  We are thankful for your recommendations, ideas. Don't forget:

	  We'd like to invite every computer freak to the SCEneST#2!

				   Time and Date:

	  1996 April 12-13-14, friday 4PM to sunday 10AM, NONSTOP. Because
	this friday is school-day and we have to rearrange the school,
	please don't come before 4PM! You won't miss anything 'cause the
	first compo (Doom) will start at the first night. (And we hope it
	will end til dawn!)

				    The Place:

	  The place is the same: Mechatronikai Szki. and Gymansium
	Address: 1118 BUDAPEST Rétköz st. 39. or Csíksomlyó st.6.
	(Both are the address of the school.) Oops, HUNGARY of course!

				How to get there:

	  At the Southern train station get to the red 139. (bus)
	(There is no black 139, so don't wait too long!)
          From Austria (and from west) you can use the M1 highway.

				 Entrance feet:

	  700.- Ft (Around 5 USD)


	  Total: 3-400.000.- Ft in hardware, software or cash. (Depends
	on the number of the sponzors.) (Around 2000 USD.)


	■ PC demo compo:
		- Max. length: 4096 KByte,
		- Showing time: 15 min,
		- 100% VGA compatibility + VESA SVGA enabled,
		- The ESC key must interrupt the demo,
		- You can enter as much demo as you want.

	■ PC intro compo:
		- Max. length: 64 KByte,
		- Showing time: 7 min,
		- 100% VGA compatibility + VESA SVGA enabled,
		- The ESC key must interrupt the intro,
		- You can enter as much intro as you want.

	■ PC 4Kb intro compo:
		- Max. length: 4 KByte,
		- Showing time: 5 min,
		- 100% VGA compatibility + VESA SVGA enabled,
		- The ESC key must interrupt the intro,
		- One intro/one coder!
		- Music is allowed.

	■ Amiga demo compo:
		- Max. length: 4 disks or 4096 KByte,
		- Showing time: 15 min,
		- The demo must be interruptable,
		- You can enter as much demo as you want.

	■ Amiga intro compo:
		- Max. length: 40 KByte,
		- Showing time: 7 min,
		- The intro must be interruptable,
		- You can enter as much intro as you want.

	■ C64 demo compo:
		- Max. length: 2 disks,
		- Showing time: 7 min,
		- Compo machine: standard C64,
		- You can enter as much demo as you want.

	■ Graphics compo:
		- Max. resolution: 640x512 256c,
		- Scanned pictures are not allowed!
		- Allowed formats: GIF, IFF/LBM, PCX,
		- Showing: you can choose between amiga and PC,
		- One picture/one artist,
		- Team/author signs are ALLOWED on the picture!

	■ Ray-Trace compo:
		- Max. resolution: 640x512 16M,
		- Allowed formats: IFF/LBM, PCX, TGA, JPG,
		- Showing: you can choose between amiga and PC,
		- One picture/one artist,
		- Team/author signs are ALLOWED on the picture!

	■ C64 gfx compo:
		- Scanned or converted pics are not allowed,
		- Showing: standard C64,
		- One picture/one artist.

	■ 4 channel music compo:
		- Max. length: 880 KByte,
		- Showing time: 3 min, but the music can be longer,
	        - Allowed formats: MOD, S3M, ULT, XM,
		- Playing: on amiga or on PC with ST3.1, UT1.6, FT2.0 or any
                  other, but in this case you have to have the player on the
		- One tune/one composer!

	■ Multichannel music compo:
		- Max. length: 1024 KByte,
		- Showing time: 3 min, but the music can be longer,
	        - Allowed formats: MOD, S3M, ULT, XM,
		- Playing: on PC; ST3.1, UT1.6, FT2.0 or include yours!
		- One tune/one composer!

	■ Beethoven compo:
		- You have to compose the music DEAF in 33 minutes! You can
		  ONCE play the samples, only ONE TIME!
		- Hardware: PC + Gravis Ultrasound 1MB RAM,
		- Selectable trackers: ST3.1, FT2.0,
		- Playing time: 3 min.

	■ C64 music compo:
		- Playing time: max 3 min,
		- Machine: standard C64,
		- One tune/one composer.

	■ PC 4K game compo:
		- Allwed input devices: keyboard or mouse,
		- Max. length: 4 KByte,
		- Showing time: 1-2 min,
		- 100% VGA compatibility + VESA SVGA enabled,
		- The ESC key must interrupt the game,
		- You must include a GAMENAME.NFO contains the needed
		  things to play your game! (keys, etc.)
		- You can enter as much game as you want!
		- Music is allowed.

	■ Lamer compo:
		- PC/amiga/C64,

	■ Wild compo:
		- ANY OTHER DEMO/ANIM/THING which requires extra hardware.
		  (Such as 100Mb disk space, Indy, stg.)
		- Max. length: 100 TB,
		- Showing time: 15 min,
		- If it isn't a PC/64/Amiga stuff, include the machine, too!

	■ Fun compo:
		- Quiz/fun game for teams!

	■ Doom compo:
		- 4 pieces of 486 (at least)DX2-66, 8MB RAM + soundcard.

	■ Roleplaying game:
		- A world of AD&D,
		- Teams with 5 members are allowed,
		- Half gods! Prepare for the worst thing!


	PC:	486 DX4 100MHz / 8MB RAM / VLB VGA card / GUS MAX 1MB or
		SB / MS-DOS 6.22 / 600K base mem / HIMEM.SYS
	AMIGA:  Amiga 1230 50MHz / 2MB CHIP + 4MB FAST RAM / HDD
	C64:	Standard C64 / Floppy Drive

	  If you have any problems or recommendations about the party,
        contact	the main organizer:

	Snail mail:		» MELAN «
				Oravecz Richárd
				Kapisztrán utca 23/b

        E-mail:                 melan@dlux.sch.bme.hu

        BBS:                    SCEneT
                                SCEneST Organizing WHQ/ΩstroideΩ WHQ
                                +36-1-2282883, 22:00-10:00 every day
                                28800/V.34,V.FC/USR Sportster Vi

		Watch out for the newer texts from SCEneST'96!!!!

				  - organizers of SCEneST " the exorcist " -

 - - Cut & upload diz little reservation file to SCEneT!- - - - - - - - - - -
	  /         S   C   E   n   e   S   T   '   9   6         \
	 /             - the second act: THE EXORCIST -            \
	/      Name / Team : _______________ / ________________     \
       /       ___ member(s) will attend the party.                  \
      /        We bring ___ computers to the party.                   \
      \              (Real) Name : _____________ ______________       /
       \        c  e        City : _____________                     /
	\     s      n      Strt.: _______________________ ____     /
	 \  2      e        Z.C. : _ _ _ _  (???)                  /
	  \   t  s        Country: _____________                  /
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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