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Panta Rhei by Floppy


                       Panta Rhei
                 floppy at Revision 2011
                      maq / g / def  


You may make it look and sound different by using:


where (ranges):  

   RE ( 1000 -- 1999 )  - analog for Reynolds number of the fluid flow 

   FORCEX (-1000000 -- 100000) - gravity acceleration X

   FORCEY (-1000000 -- 100000) - gravity acceleration Y



RE says how much viscous the flow is (the higher Re the less 
viscous -- less hooney like -- the flow is). FORCEX/Y (float values) 
sais how strong is the gravity field which accelerates the flow (for 
example,  use higher force for highly viscous fluids to see any flow). 
By using different combinations of those you may put the solution
into different regimes of the fluid flow (steady, unsteady etc.) and
listen to different tune as it is generated using the flow data.

The default intro runs at: 

./FLP-PR.exe 1980 140 0

btw. you may send interesting combinations to me: maq@ift.uni.wroc.pl


  kisses to Ania, Acryl, Mae and Traymuss for testing & comments.
      thanx to iq for wonderful webpage & intro templates
    thanx to Aln! for *last minute* debugging of the intro!


                (crinkler made it possible)

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