U maleho glena by Headcrash [web]
__u malèho glena fast made demo in 2oo2 by headcrash released at mekka & symposium 2oo2 code by styx et al music "lota" by nrth (track released at iradium '01) __story "u malèho glena" actually is a (jazz)-bar in praha. this is no official advertisement or commercial piece of code, just a tribute to the nice hours I had there with my class in may 2oo1. nrth's track made me remember about the time in praha and inspired me in all aspects of this demo. __official styx@head-crash.de nrth@head-crash.de for the usual comments/flames/bugreports/whatever demo uses bass and upx, thanx to the respective authors www.head-crash.de for elkpower at its best __technical some more or less fast pc opengl 1.1+ geforce class 3d accelerator with 16mb+ recommended also tested on rage128, any other might work as well...tell us __commercial u malèho glena karmelitskà 23 praha 1 - malà strana www.malyglen.cz
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