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Pixel by Pixel by Outbreak [web] & Darklite [web]

               __ ___.                         __    
  ____  __ ___/  |\_ |_________   ____ _____  |  | __
 /  _ \|  |  \   __\ __ \_  __ \_/ __ \\__  \ |  |/ /
(  <_> )  |  /|  | | \_\ \  | \/\  ___/ / __ \|    < 
 \____/|____/ |__| |___  /__|    \___  >____  /__|_ \
     \outbreak.scene.se\/            \/     \/ 2009\/
  .   \                                       / .    
    :  \  _.:in a sensual grouporgy with:._  /     : 
        \                                   /    .   
   .     .___             __   .__  .__  __/       . 
       __| _/____ _______|  | _|  | |__|/  |_ :____  
     :/ __ |\__  \\_  __ \  |/ /  | |  \   __\/ __ \ 
     / /_/ | / __ \|  | \/    <|  |_|  ||  | \  ___/ 
   . \____ |(____  /__|  |__|_ \____/__||__|  \___  >
      2009\/     \/           \/.www.darklite.org.\/ 
Wilddemo: "Pixel by pixel"                           
Playtime: 6 minutes                                  
Idea & handyman: Thec                                
Audio & Video: Response                              
Original picture by: Frost                           
Released at: Kindergarden 2009                       
Visit us at: www.darklite.org / outbreak.scene.se    
   - A two week project made in october 2009 -       
As a professional tilelayer I rarely get a chance    
like this when doing projects for customers, so I had
to do it for myself instead. Originally I planned to 
release this at TRSAC but unfortunatelly it was      
impossible to fit the video editing into the time    
So here you go at Kindergarden 2009! Enjoy!          
Thec(& Response)                                     
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