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Pimp My Chips by ate bit [web]

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-------------------- a t e  b i t  p r e s e n t s -------------- - -

--- Pimp My Chips -------------------------------------------- - - --
Take four international chip tune artists, one coder and one awesome 
idea - recreate classic pop tunes on a ZX Spectrum. The result is a 
PC musicdisk that lets you hear what might have happened if the 
original artists only had access to an AY sound chip in their 
recording studios

--- Keys ----------------------------------------------------- - - --
P, play
S, stop
F, skip forwards one track
B, skip backwards one track
Or just click on the buttons...

--- Credits -------------------------------------------------- - - --
evilpaul - Code, Gfx
Mofobaru, Gasman, Simon and Nik-o - Top notch music

Additional code libraries used:

FMOD - http://www.fmod.org/
libayemu - http://sashnov.nm.ru/libayemu.html
PhysicsFS - http://icculus.org/physfs/

All of these libraries have been invaluable in the development of 
this product and I am extremely grateful to their authors

--- Greets --------------------------------------------------- - - --
Everyone on #ukscene
All testers ( especially Psonice and his test farm ;)

--- And also... ---------------------------------------------- - - --
The engine used in this musicdisk has taken too many years to 
produce and has changed direction two or three times. It started out 
on OSX using SDL (always with the intention of being cross-platform) 
and languished there in development hell for quite some time. I have 
shown "almost complete" versions to people as long ago as 2006. To 
tell the truth, I abhor XCode and I found it impossible to finish 
the product with it. Once I ported the code to Visual Studio at the 
very end of last year the development process has sped along at a 
cracking pace. Once all notion of making the thing cross-platform 
had finally evaporated I also moved away from SDL and ported the 
renderer to DirectDraw

I'm happy with the state of the product as it stands now but its 
development has suffered from the aforementioned evils of a long 
development time and changing of APIs. Because of this, there are 
proably a few bugs in there that have slipped through the quality 
control net. The renderer itself contains some shocking assumptions
and the Windows message handler is a bit.. er.. creative..! If you 
do happen to find any major problems then please feel free to 
contact me ( evilpaul at evilpaul dot org ) and I'll see if I can 
fix them

One further point: this musicdisks engine has always been very data 
driven and it was intended that it would be used for more than one 
actual musicdisk. At the moment there are no other concrete plans on 
the horizon for further releases. However, if you would like to 
release a non-commercial musicdisk using this engine then please 
contact me. It can play anything that FMOD can play ( so mp3s, oggs 
and various flavours of mods are available ) and custom players can 
also be added ( like the Spectrum vtx player in this release ) if 
you can provide me with decent, working code. To get another disk 
released will require some effort on my part ( I doubt that anyone 
else can figure out the bespoke scripting langage used! ) so I ask 
that you only contact me if you are serious, can provide all artwork 
and music yourself and can work to my potentially glacial release 
schedule ;)

--- Further info --------------------------------------------- - - --

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