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Final Demo by The Yellow Ones

                              'lo folx!!!

This is Errand writing a little info file for the brand new demo from
the yellow ones. The fuckin demo is called THE FINAL because its the final 
demo from TYO (Leinad left TYO and joined AVALANCHE and then its just me
left in TYO and there cant be a demogroup with just one member...sorry dudes
but if you by any reason liked the demos we have released I can tell you
that I wont stop making some "small" demos but just under my handle Errand 
and not under a groups name.

There are TWO .exe files!!! One for running the demo with Gravis UltraSound
(finalgus.exe) and one for watching the demo in silence (tyofinal.exe).
Sorry about this... buy a GUS ;) (or just rename the file tyofinal.006 to
darkness.mod and be happy).
Another thing... the demos does trash the screen on some gfx cards like
the Diamond SpeedStar 24 (ask Leinad ;) ). Dunno why....

If there by any reseason is any group out there in the world that
would like to have another coder in their team then just let me know.

/Errand - Daniel Sjöberg
          Mogatan 11 
          S-566 34  HABO
Tele:     036-46309
E-Mail:   D91-SJD@TEKN.HJ.SE

GREETINGS go to AVALANCHE (especially Leinad), Robban (Robert Adolphsson)
in CASCADA, Jake (Robinn on IRC), Terminator X, FiST and ofcourse the shy guys
in EXTREME *HINT-HINT* and the rest of the PC-DEMO-WORLD.
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