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Jurassic Ass by A-Men


        There are couple different kinds of error-messages, which
        JURASSIC ASS might put to the screen and terminate:

        - This demo needs GRAVIS ULTRASOUND. 
          You must have GUS with 512Kb, silence option has been removed,        
          since music is essential part of this demo. Also SB support is
          out of the question. (Well, if somebody pays us enough..)

        - Something terrible has happened...please reboot.
          Not enough memory, I presume? Yeah, this demo runs with quite a
          low amount of memory, compared to some demos out there. Still
          some people might encounter this nasty message.

        Otherkinds of weird things:

        - GUS autodetection might hang, since it is coded by Wog..

        - A-MEN EXTENDER (tm) technology might crash the system, reason is
          again, that Wog coded it.

        - In 386 or 486SX systems this demonstration might behave strangely,
          and again, this is due the fact, that this demo has been developed
          on 486DX. (We didn't buy 486's to code 8086 demos, and it shows!-) 
        - If the demo locks up, we (as A-MEN PC) would be interested to know
          the hardware configuration and config.sys & autoexec.bat files,
          which caused this major loss to the party involved.

        - If this produ ei skulaa sun Pentiumissas, tough luck! 

        - Ja jos ei SOUNDBLASTERIKAAN skulaa, voih.. (räkästä naurua)


        This demo has voluntarily rated PG-18. All kids, religious people
        and otherwise fragile persons should not be allowed to see this demo.
        Remember! It's YOUR fault, if your grandmother has heart-attack,
        while watching "JURASSIC ASS".

                                 A-MEN PC 1994
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