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timeout by Excess [web]


                         .a demo for the gathering96.
- disclaimer:
   if this demo fucks up your stuff, you ain't getting any of our stuff!

 - credits:
   hurry numbers - axon
   weird sounds - mike x
   wild 3dstuff - no.12
   rocko 2dstuff - clone / bridgeclaw / sunday / gloom / joker
   overall look - all

 - a few things to bare in mind:
   this demo was coded at the gathering - period.

 - terminal link'ups to:
   - gollum - sorrox - acme - proxima - k.l.f - noice - sublogic - prospect -
   - amen - orange - velvet - valhalla - coma - fascination - xenon - spin -
   - omicron - darkzone - crusaders - exile - scoop - gods - spaceballs -
   - tbl - tls - success - nooon - talent - complex (you drunk finns! :) -

 - special "hi'n'hello" to Apathy/Coma for beeing a terrific guy.

 - coders chit-chat: tskei@sn.no
   musical bollox: mika@skribenten.bbs.no
   swappers jalla: gloom@teamnet.no
   alab comments: kurt inge groenbech
                  sigrid johansens veg 23
                  7025 trondheim
   file to look for: alabv12.zip
   nice videos to watch: johnny mnemonic               
                         toy story
                         (we could go on forever)
                         (we could, you know...)
                         man bites dog
                         opptak av landskampen mellom nederland og norge
                         a clockwork orange
   cool clothes to wear: gamle (slitte) bukser
                         all klµr med farge
                         evt. all klµr uten farge
                         psycho cowboys security stuff
                         armani outfit (?)
   nice excuses to use:  "I wasn't there..."
                         "I didn't hear about no deadline"
   elite people in the scene: (eh?)

- Excess'96 - "det mσ bare bli goal det" - ekko σff? - panzher lσff? - elg -
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