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Loa - Living in the skies by Hellcore [web] & Omnicolour [web]

     Living In The Skies


     Hellcore & Omnicolour
     Omnicolour & Hellcore


     detailed credits:

     mrock - asm, fonts
     yez - music, textures, texts, design


     supported video:

     640x480 mixed - effect is doublepixeled (320x200) but fonts are hi-res
     320x200 - well, fastest, but nothing special (ugly fonts)
     640x480 - this one is slow, but fully high resolution   (perhaps > 8mb)

     all of them are 15 bpp (32768 colors)
     Linear Frame Buffer required


     supported sound:

     loa.exe - GUS only (mxm player) - party version (less than 64kb)
     loa_g&sb.exe - GUS and SB (usm player)


     contact zone:

     yez: yez@friko.onet.pl
     mrock: mrock@tl.krakow.pl - don't expect any answer, this account
                                 will die soon, or it's already dead.
                                 i'll be back on the net about october'98
                                 (i hope somewhere .agh.edu.pl)
                                 for important reasons: (012)2782017
                                 cyberspace: http://hellcore.home.ml.org
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