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isi by Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot [web]

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           :                     :
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           |______/                  pWp - ISI - our pc 64k intro at abd97

  HY-VÄ PE-LU! Mul-ti-me-di-a-te-ok-se-si o-li e-rin-o-mai-nen, ja
  sii-nä ei e-des ol-lut ko-vin pal-jon ta-vu-tus ja yh-dys sa-na
  vir-hei-tä-!!! Ar-vo-sa-na: 10+ Ter-vei-sin: Rii-tta o-pe

-     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -


      Ahh. Everything by Viznut this time.
      Magna's objects had too many fAcEs... not smooth on an 8086

tech sPex

      8088 compatible code; asm parts 8088 optimized
      100% textmode; fixed palette
      support for cga, hgc, mda, multitazking
      music only available on true multimedia systems (adlib, pcspeaker)

means of contacting


some greetzings

      anyone we happen to see at abd97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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