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Schwugi #1 by Schwugi Staff

                   _                                   _
  _____    _____  | |___    _    _   _    _    _____  |_| +- - - - -+
 | ____|  | ____| |  __ |  | |  | | | |  | |  | __  |  _   m e g a  } h u g e
|____ |  | |      | |  | | | |  | | | |  | | | |__| | | |  m e g a  : c o o l
 ____| | | |____  | |  | | | |||| | | |__| |  |___  | | |  m e g a  ; e l i t e
|_____|   |_____| |_|  |_|  |_||_|   |____|    ___| | |_| +- - - - -'
                            I S S U E  # 1

,,  (  r e q u i r e m e n t z  ) ──────────────────────────────────────────────

80486-dx or higher
4 mb ram
about 3 mbytes of free memory
vesa 1.2

under win95: mag must be run in dos-mode!

,, ( c r e d i t z ) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

( code )
           main           street twix // ddp .tnt
           soundsystem    salami smurfs (madis v0.99)

( gfx )
           intro          wanna be  / terrorlite
           main           hellwater / haudruff
           closing        mr.dreck! / schwugi

( music )
           ripping        zippy / black maiden

( editing )
              a-duck   / schwugi
              dendroid / schwugi

( text )
              loads of dudes

        for more credits, read the credits section in schwugi itself

,, ( m e m b e r z ) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

( schwugi crew )
                        a-duck   /orga.edit/schwugi@netway.at
                        dendroid /text.edit/sex23@herpes.cam.ac.uk
                        ratte    /text.msx /ratte@suckers-central.com
                        mr.dreck /music.gfx/dummes.stueck@t-kotzline.de
                        zaziki   /text.code/profilamer@coldmail.com

( damn active official schwugi spreaders )

                                        akira   / pulse
                                        leming  / orange
                                        medicus / klf
                                        rommel  / revelation
                                        smurf   / hypervibe
                                all extremely active members of SCREAM!

,, ( z z z ) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

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