Digital Chips 25 by Apathy
Released 01.Mar.98 a p a t h y p r e s e n t s ......... ___________ ___________ ...:........ ______ í/ \í ______ .: ...:........ í/ | | \í .....:..: ....:...... ______| | | | _____ :......:...: : _______\_____\__________|_____|__ ____|/ /______________:_______. : \ _______________ _______/___ \___ _______________ \__ __í_:____ \ \_\ \ / \___ / / / \ _____/ / \ / \_____________\ /_______/ / /____________\__________/___________/ point^apt| | /_____/ | ________ .......:..... : ______________|__________|______|__ ___|___\ \ : __:____:____: \__ __________________ / \__ __\ \:____\ _____/___ / / \ / / / \__________\ \_______ \ /________________\ / / /___________\/_______________________\ _| /_______/| | .....:.. :....:......: \!__ |_ _!_________!_ :.:.........: \ __!/ \í í/ : / #25 - gOES wILd ! Welcome to another issue of Digital Chips. Spread this like hell! N'joy DC#25 ! CU in the next issue! Maze signed off.....
[ back to the prod ]