Break dance not hearts by TimeScratchers [web]
Time Scratchers Presents at Assembly 07 BREAK DANCE NOT HEARTS Programming: Jussi HΣrk÷nen Jussi Laasonen Music: Kristian Sivonen Graphics: Jussi HΣrk÷nen (Fractals) Qapitan (2D) Requirements: .net runtime 2.0 Decent graphics hardware with OpenGL drivers Error messages and white/black screen: If you get an error message about an image parameter not found, the shaders don┤t probably work on your hardware. This appears not to be nVidia/Ati specific but rather a needs new fast hardware problem. This demo is a hell of a hack. The demo engine was coded in a month and all the graphics were made in three last days before the party. Never thought this would make it in time! More TimeScratchers: More fractal art:
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