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Enforcing The Law by Powerline

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              \    [--╗  Hardline ╖ Against ╖ Hardline  ½--]
  [╖Gunrider╖] \                               \

                            ... Presents ...

                   E N F O R C I N G   T H E   L A W

                    ... Released at The Party 7 ...

 -  -  -  - - - - - --------------------------------- - - - - -  -  -  -  -
                      Production ⌐ 1997 PowerLíne

 This production may be freely distributed, with the following conditions:

  ╖ No profit must be made.
  ╖ The production or archive must not be altered in any way.

 Other forms of distribution requires written permission from the authors.

 T H E   G O A L S   O F  T H I S  D E M O
 "Enforcing the Law" is an attempt to introduce some new effects, not just
 polygon based fly-arounds. Since it's optimized for big screen performance,
 we decided to choose speed before resolution. Almost all effects should do 
 25-50 frames per second on a 68060 board.

 R E S T R I C T I O N S
 ╖ No way to choose screen resolution.

 ╖ DOES NOT run fast on other CPUs than 68060. You should not even 
   TRY to enjoy this one on 68030 or lower... :) This is because the effects
   are optimized purely for the 68060 board. Some instructions on the 68060
   run more than 30 times faster than on the lower processors.

 ╖ Some of the effects could be faster.

 ╖ The 3D part is crappy.

 These restrictions are of course due to lack of time bla bla bla... :)
 Anyway, since we know that many people out there are crazy about 320*256
 screen resolution, and that many people don't have 060, we will probably
 release an enhanced version a soon as possible!

 T H E   A U T H O U R S
 ╖ Programming by Henrik Magnusson (Raylight) and Jesper Svennevid (Chip)

 ╖ Music by Alex L÷fgren (Wasp)

 ╖ Video clips put together by Magnus Eklund (Mad Druid)

 I M P O R T A N T   N O T E
 Due to the competition rules, we must make clear that this demo is NOT
 containing racial/anti-racial content. This is purely a demo about the
 law enforcement in the USA!

 A C K N O W L E G D E M N T S
 ╖The Video clips were taken from the two movies "JFK" and "Menace 2
  Society". These movies are copyrighted by their owners.

 ╖The chunky to planar conversion routines are based upon Mikael Kalms
  (Scout/C-Lous) public releases of conversion routines. Thanks Mikael!

 C O N T A C T
 E-Mail:         Chip - chip@ramses.ml.org
                 Mad Druid - mdr@ramses.ml.org
                 RayLight - raylight@ramses.ml.org
                 Wasp - wasp@ramses.ml.org

 PowerLine FTP:  ftp://ramses.ml.org/pub/powerline
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