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Experimental by Wipe [web]


				 |        Experimental        |
				 | Realeased at the ukOnx 2k  |
				 |       Final version        |
				 |      14-15-16.04.2000      |
				 |                            |
				 |       By Weasel/Dax        |
				 |	  Kor/Tsr             |
				 |	  Unison/Ck           |
				 |	 Yiibee/Gotcha	      |
				 |	  Sirlap/Gol	      |
        			 |         KissCool           |
             			 |			      |
				 +  http://www.wipe-fr.org/   +

Experimental finished first at the Ukonx 2k.

If you have problems with initializing the video mode(512*384), try
the 640*480 mode by launching:
experimental 640

ESC: quit
F1: output grabXXX.tga from current frame
F2: toggle frame per second count
F3: go to next pattern
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