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Max by Astroidea [web]

      ▄████▄   ██▄  ████████  ▄██▄   ▄█▄
      ███████ ████ ████▀  ▀██ ████   ███                 ∙■ an ■∙
      █████ ███ ██ ████▄  ▄██ ▀███▄ ▄██         ∙■  A S Γ R Ω ¡ D Σ A  ■∙
      █████ ▓█▒ ██ ██████████   ▀█████               ∙■ production ■∙
      █████ ▒▓  ██ ████▀  ▀██ ▄███▀ ▀██▄
      █████  ▒  ██ ████    ██ ████  i███               ∙■ #1 demo ■∙
      ▓███▓  ░  ██ ▓███    ██ ▓███  o███                 ∙■ at ■∙
      ▒▓█▓▒  ∙  █▓ ▒██▓    ▓█ ▓██▒  n█▓▒         ∙■ the Cache'96 pardey ■∙
      ▒▓█▓   ∙  ▓▒  ▓█▒    ▒░ ▒▒█░  i█▓            ∙■ 1996.03.8-9-10. ■∙
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      █▓        ░    ▒     ∙    ░    ▓
      ▒         ∙   ·      ·    ∙    ▒               │█▐║│▌││█▐▌║█│║
      ░         ∙   ·           ∙    ░               │█▐║│▌││█▐▌║█│║
      ∙         ·               ·    ∙               │█▐║│▌││█▐▌║█│║
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      ·                              ∙               │█▐║│▌││█▐▌║█│║
      ·        Bugfixed version      ·               243909053925258
        But it will freeze on Pentium
	  before the endscroller! ;(		   486DX4+GUS+FAST VGA
	  We haven't Pentiums.......                   RECOMMENDED

═════════════════════════[ aSΓR0¡dΣa aCTIVe mΣmbΣrs ]══════════════════════════

	     KAL...............≡[:≈σ)............GRAPHICIAN & RAYTRACER
	     MELAN.............«(|-))............ORGANIZER & DESIGNER & SYSOP

══════════════════════════════════[ crΣD¡Γs ]══════════════════════════════════

	S T A R T U P  S E Q U E N C E :

			 ΩstroideΩ logo:	O-Man
			  Presents logo:	Rendall
				Objects:	O-Man
				   Code:	iONic

 T E X T U R E D  B L U R  M O T I O N :

				   Lens:	O-Man
				Objects:	iONic
				   Code:	iONic

      D O U B L E  W A S H - C L O T H :

				  Dwarf:	Kal
				   Code:	iONic

	   M A P - O N - M A P P I N G :

			   Passage logo:	Rendall
		    Map-On-Mapping logo:	Rendall
				Objects:	iONic
			 AstroideA logo:	Rendall
				   Code:	iONic & Snowman

	   S T A R T I N G  P A R T  2 :

				Picture:	Rendall

			   C A N Y O N :

				 Object:	O-Man
				   Code:	iONic

	  O B J E C T  S C R E W I N G :

				Picture:	Rendall
	    Backgrounds of Zoom-in-zoom:	Rendall
			       Screwing:	iONic
			   Zoom-in-zoom:	Snowman

	   A I  L O G O  M A P P I N G :

				 Object:	O-Man
				   Code:	iONic

		 E N D S E Q U E N C E :

			        Picture:	Rendall
				   Font:	iONic
				   Code:	iONic

		O T H E R  T H I N G S :

				 Design:	MELAN
			      3D engine:	Snowman
			    Polydrawers:	iONic & Snowman
			    Soundtracks:	Reptile
			  Module player:	Snowman
			 Ascii graphics:	iONic

══════════════════════════════════[ lASΓ W0rDs: ]══════════════════════════════

			  This demo won the Cache'96 party


								mln & ¡ (1996)
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