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Pain (01/97) by Pain Staff [web]

█│ PAiN - da Swiss Lamer Intrigues Monthly - 01/97 - 4th year    │  ■  │ ███ │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Release Date: 20.jan.1997             Release Time: 11.30                 │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Busts, nightmares, pictures, reports, reviews, partytrips - what else     │█
█│ could you expect from a scene mag ?  Well ok, there are still charts      │█
█│ missing. But with less than 20 serious voters we can't produce something  │█
█│ worth the name. (ok, with 20 readers we can't expect some more anyways)   │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ We're in desperate need of some more serious editors. If you've any       │█
█│ contributions, news, complaints etc. send them to pain@space.ch now!      │█
█│                                                                           │█
█│ Not much more to say, except that you know how you can reach us and that  │█
█│ we'd REALLY appreciate feedback. You should be able to use the new PAiN   │█
█│ support door on EVERY better swiss PCboard board soon...[haha fooled you] │█
█│                                                                         ┌╥┤█
████████████████████ Support the GOOD swiss scene magazines !!!████████████████
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