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Equality by Digression


  Hi.  Another album, released at Abduction 11.6 1995 right after the vote-
deadline, because Talkshow contributes the multichannelcompo at the party.

  Equality uses MIDAS Sound System by Petteri Kangaslampi and Jarno Paananen.
  A few words about the tunes, again.  "Tiger Mate" is a quite tragic tune
for me.  See, I found (my friend found, but anyway) from a garage-sale this
_perfect_ organ thingy, called EKO Tiger Mate DL.  It had 4 octaves, 4 diffe-
rent sounds (Flute, Reed, Mallet and Brass) plus vibrato on/off, a rythm-
section with Samba, Rhumba, Foxtrott, Mambo etc, and - well - it had just 
about everything.  It costed me 200 mk wich is practically nothing, sure, some
fixing and reparing had to be done, but heck, that's just fun.  Ok, get this.
It had a volumepedal (of course :), so I plugged it via Headphones out to
my Roland GP-8, which has a wah.  Just guess how great it sounded.  Two days
later I plugged the thing on again, and see, I plugged the same wire in the
other end to headphones and in the other end to volumepedal in.  Tou?  Right,
the sweetie didn't like it, it blew all the FM:s.  Guess did I rip off my
  Anyway, all I've got left of this organ is "Tiger Mate", all sounds sampled
straight out from it.  -= SIGH =-
  "Down from the sky" is my tune for my band, Sundae, and we've been playing 
it for half a year by now, only that we play it a bit more bossanova :).  The 
MARVELLOUS fluteplaying is by my very dear friend and fluteplayer, Paavo 
  "Less distraction" is just the result of a weeks insanity and listening to
Chris Rea.  I really thought that I could find some interesting things in his
music, but found that 90% of his music is either slow "crying for you" -music
or stupid Springsteen rock.  But there are those few "groovy" (?) and fun
tunes like "On the beach" etc.  But hey, it's crap.
  "4th in C" contributes the annual Jazz.BIT -competition held in Pori by the
time of Pori Jazz.  I've released the tune in the package 4CYB.ZIP where I
have 4 different versions of the very same tune.  This one suited Equality so
well, that I decided to include it here.
  "Talkshow" is The Tune Of Equality for me.  It's my investigation through
"talkshowmusic" which I discover to be a completely own type of music just
like elevatormusic or hotellreceptionmusic, you people know all that.  The
initial idea hit me as I opened the TV just when Arja Korisevas "Näytön 
paikka" went for a break and this band of 40 year old, black pony-tailed,
black suited, alcoholic old musicians played a 10 second tune with a 100%-
chorused Telecaster, Ghostbusters-strings, a very annoying and repeating
distorted Strato riff and finally the whole studioaudience cheering "Yeeee..!".
I watched through at least 10 different talkshows, including Hermunen, Ei
itketä lauantaina (the best stereotypetalkshow there is :) and Mirja Pyykkö
etc.  I simply chose out the most important components of the thing, which are
the annoying theme mentioned above, modulating up and down the whole thing,
then this "softer" part between the theme including solo fast as lightning
(YEEAAaa!!...) ans so on.  And I think I did a great job (sorry).
  "I'm insane" is also a Sundae-tune and got its debute at Cotton Club 19.5.
At first I was afraid that it's too noisy to fit in Equality, but it suits
fine.  Though I think it should be a one-guitar-tune...
  There is not much to say about "Territories".  It's a cooling-down-tune
which I made in a very short time; the idea hit me and I made it.

  Big thanks to my 11-year-classmate Mich for the code, the authors of MIDAS,
Lade for the critics, Paavo for the flute, Dune for many stolen samples,
Heatbeat for even more stolen samples, Dizzy for the string in Talkshow and
Porin Palmgren-opisto for 11 years of musical education (I quitted it a week
ago, and I feel great!).

                                                Cybelius 7.6 1995

Cyb greets:

        Orange                          is it common to greet your own group?
        Nordic Line
        Logic Design                    i looove your style!
        Edge                            yea right!  don't call me!
        Chuck Biscuits
        Jugi, Moby etc.                 beats amiga, huh?
        Psibelius                       you cloner! :)
        Folks on #trax and #coders

Mich greets:

        Porin Datavalinta
        Petteri Kangaslampi (for MIDAS)
        Jarno Paananen      (for MIDAS)
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