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Digital Chips 22 by Apathy

Released at Kindergarden 97
        a p a t h y   p r e s e n t s                                           
                ___________   ___________       ...:........
          ______         í/   \í         ______   .:    ...:........
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 \      _______________   _______/___ \___     _______________ \__   __í_:____
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   \_____________\   /_______/     /    /____________\__________/___________/
     point^apt|          |  /_____/       |   ________  .......:.....    :
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  /    /         \       /       /       /   \__________\     \_______      \
 /________________\     /       /       /___________\/_______________________\
             _|        /_______/|         | .....:..    :....:......:
             \!__        |_    _!_________!_     :.:.........:
               \       __!/    \í         í/       :
                        / #22 - gOES c64 (aGAIN!)

                Welcome to another issue of Digital Chips.
                        Spread this like hell!

            N'joy DC while you're waiting on the compos!!!!!

                         CU in the next issue!

Maze signed off.....
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