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         .----------------- --  -   -      -   _________  -  --  ------.
         ª                                     \___    _|______________:_
         ª                      ________________/       ________________/
         :       _______________\____ ____     /        |           \  : ______
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  \   ______/___\    _________/___\___/           /   sF!__________|         \
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         \/       \          ____/                                     :
\____            / \________/      ( - sENTiNEL! - )    ___________    :
     \__________/                       ________________\____      |   :
         :                             _\    _____________/        |   :
         :            _________________\    _________/___/         |   ª
         ;            \     ____        \     \/        /__________|   ª
         ª             \     /           \          ____/              ª
         ª              \___/           / \________/                   ª
         ª                 /___________/                               :
         :                                                             ;


          Kaboom intro for SiH'95 party held in Roosendaal, Holland


If this thing trashes your pc it's not my fault! Use this software at your
own risk! But, if it does destroy your HD or other peripherals, please give
me a call so we can all have a good laugh!

Some more greetings:

agony people, image! people, massive people, the bitripper, ash/metal,
aap/acme, awake! people, brightness, laserdance, simm/analogue, hammer,

This is it! I wanted to see my name on the big screen. Cool huh?

Sentinel out!
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