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Sametech Annihilation by Keen Like Frogs

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      ª                   ª             ª   Zhis is Se DoG-FEiL !!!
                          ª        ª»»»»»                            


              Be welcomed stranger to another release of ...... 

    1. How to use this DOC file
    2. How to use this INTRO
    3. How to use the COM: adaptors
    4. About the Routines
    5. About us
    6. Contacting us 

    For all of you outthere who are irritated by the fact that we have released
    something under the COM:SEX label, be assured:
                           WE KNOW WHAT WE DO !
    One main reason was the release of a dope-clone with some of our 
    graphicians work which originally was drawn for another fun project. 
    But unfortunately we were informed about that 10! minutes before it took
    part at the compo. 
    After we had seen how the part with our GFX was included we waited for 
    something like: 'excuse me' or 'sorry', but none of both was spoken ...

    Okido Pal, here is the tit-for-tat answer in COMPSEX manor....
    On the other hand, we liked to saw a little at the
                                              so called 'coding kings' chair ;)

    have phun with it ... ;)    

 1. How to use this DOC file 
    Reading a DOC-file might be complicated sometimes. 
    We thought about that problem severeal times and we got to the conclusion,
    that it is the best way to read from left to right, ONE line after another,
    from top to bottom !
                                            (COM:SEX -> help in all situations)

 2. How to use this INTRO 
    This intro is intelligent. You just start it and it runs.
    if it won't run, something went wrong ... if something went wrong,
    the intro won't tell you the reason because there shouldn't be any reasons!
    if, against all odds, the intro really won't run there is only ONE 
    possibility left: DELETE and FORGET it  ... 
                                                   (COM:SEX -> tuff but lovely)
 3. How to use the COM: adaptors 
    It is a bloody rumour that we also sell COM: adaptors for CyberSex,
    but everyone who has ever masturbated at a COM: port knows, what SEX
    really means.
                                   (COM:SEX -> better than Dr. Ruth Westheimer)

 4. About the Routines 
    In ...... we had several discussions about releasing this intro,
    but sometimes men has to do what men have to do !
    We released rotten old lousy routines. 
    This routines where originally programmed on a HP-48GL for a Math-Exam 
    in 1992. After this exam we decided to port it over to the CBM-64er 
    machines. It took us 3 years to realize that this is a dumb (blonde) idea.
    So we removed the Ping-Shading, the Double-Bump-Refraction Clipping, the  
    Shadow-Volume-Larousse Formula and finally the FatAssMurphy-Poser Mapping.
    This made it possible to import the HP-48GL engine, in time, to the IBM-PC.
    After 4 days of hard work ( we had to slow down the Engine very much, so
    that we could see something on the screen) we finally managed to include
    60k of trash data to make this a 64k Intro...

                                                     (COM:SEX -> always honest)
 5. About us
    Are you kidding ?
                                                (COM:SEX -> like the third man)

 6. Contacting us
 Write to: 
   P.O. Box 210 151, 55060 Mainz, Germany  or use one of the following numbers

    The Hideout  [Universe-HQ]    +49ò611ò9545o13     Baudbandit [XXX]        
    Undercover     [Member]       +49ò232ò345o85o     Cosmic  [RR.XXX]        
    Golden Image                  +49ò6o39ò45756 [3]  Brian    [LD]           
    Farpoint Station              +49ò42oò276145      Stingray [TC]           
    En=trance      [+49 HQ]       +49ò234ò5o4439      Tyger   [Pain]          
    Wicked Scene                  +49ò421ò689431      Fish    [ ]             
    Heavens Gate   [+46 HQ]       +46ò8ò5oo23988      Technomancer [Creation] 
    Traveloughe    [+45 HQ]       +45ò989oò3445       Clint [Aspects]         
    Shoebox        [+43 HQ]       +43ò189ò242o4       Rebook  [S!P]           
    The Lycaeum    [+41 HQ]       +41ò4176ò2989       Chicken [S!P]           
    Side FX        [+39 HQ]       +39ò755ò725175      Killer Loop [SOP]       
    Ace            [+33 HQ]       +33ò1ò4588ò7548     Gandalf [Infiny]        
    Digital Fuse   [+32 HQ]       +322ò757ò07ò76      Dr. Vibe [X-ess]        
    Supreme Court  [+31 HQ]       +31ò165oò5185o      Steel   [SPR]           
    Megaverse      [+30 HQ]       +3oò61ò277o89       D.G.T.  [Deus]          
    Shockwave      [+27 HQ]       +27ò11ò888ò6345     Andrew Murray           
                                                      Peter Coghlan           
    Area 51        [+1  HQ]       +1ò6o9ò737ò798o     Taz [KFMF]              
    Support Sites                                                             
    Dark Illusion                 +49ò89ò361o2651     Kaos [PRC]              
    Sound Engine                  +49ò437ò14o85       Raven/Libertine [TC]    
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