Amorphis by Karg
The revised version. I thought that the MOD player is smart enough not to start playing if there's no SoundBlaster. I had to correct this,and now I hope will work on every machine. This demo requires a DX2-66 minimum (but not tested).The dream configuration is P-90 with PCI card.It is _ADVISABLE_ that you should not run this demo from Win95 or Win3;because of the timer interferences, as my demo requires for some effects an enormous 60 FPS(frames per second), this speed can't be achieved in a multitasking environment like Win95 or its ancestor,Win3. I also _ADVISE_ that you don't run it under any DOS emulators for OS/2,UNIX or APPLE.It'll simply won't work ! Be sure that the DMA of your soundcard is 1, or you might not hear music.I didn't test it on a computer without soundcard and I think it might hang your computer just before exit. This demo proves my skill in creating even this kind of demo- the 64k-and was written in about 3 weeks in august 1997. You are free to use and spread this demo any way you like as long as you don't charge money for it . My only request is to distribute the executable along with file,"amorphis.nfo". I tested it and worked fine and smooth on my computer but I don't guarantee functionality on any particular hardware and configuration. Also, don't blame me if my demo burns your computer : USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK ! From now on, I am available for commercial demos.Send your request on e-mail or voice 041-623755 . You should think about the type of the demo(executable/animation), some content guidelines, the size, the time length and other things that might strike your mind.Of course,the price is proportional to the amount of work :-)(I am smart,don't I ?) In AUTUMN, I will bring you the Pascal & Asm source code of this demo(please don't fire me for using Pascal rather than C;I have _very_ strong reasons !).The package will also contain the technical detail over some effects in the demo, the math behind it(for the begginers) and some thoughts about modern art.It will be available in the FTP site linked to WWW.UTT.RO. Check this out,it really worth downloading ! Hope to hear you soon !
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