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Get it? Vache? Légume? by Intra


«Get it?  Vache?  Légume?»..........Omega/track/code/gfx

Req:    386+,stdin,stdout...........Crash97/demo
Rec:    P120+,keyboard,vga,GUS......Omega@inorbit.com


No phong
 No ducks
  No torii
 No fractals
   No nudity
 No crash
 Yes music
   Yes vocals (!= 303)
 Yes graphics
  Yes design
 YES fastdemo
Yes QB 4.5 & TA 4.1

not responsibible!


--------------------------------after Crash97--------------------------------

    we think(past tense) Crash be(past tense) go(present participle) to be big
                                         we be(past tense) wrong but maybe not

        here be(present) original party demo that never be(past) present(past)
                                                      who care(present) anyway

     too bad we miss(past) the opportunity to freeze or rave or batch or party
                                                               maybe next time

we be(future) be your worst nightmare next time: Vertigo, NetGeneration & KFMF
                        (we like(past) your demo, but we think ours is better)

                 who be(future) be the next brave souls to organize something?
     werd to Crash organizers.and Naid organizers.and anybody who try(present)
                            (hold it in a school and in the east of continent)
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