Luland by MoonHazard [web]
Moonhazard presents GBA demo: "Luland". Our entry for 2004 competition. IMPORTANT! ---------- If you watch this demo via emulator, please use VisualBoyAdvance. Of course we prefer watching with real hardware but, for example, CowBite emulator plays it really slow and shows no blended sprites (in this case, none of the sprites). Otherwise, just start the program and (hopefully) enjoy it! :) TECHNICAL BULLSH** ------------------ All effects and 3d in this demo are realtime calculated. Every of them are in Mode 4. Scenes: 1) Full-resolution textured 3d model, 309 triangles, 203 vertices, 4 64x64 blended sprites as layer. 2) Radial blur effect 2x2 pixels, on a 1x1 textured sphere, 224 triangles, 164 vertices, blended sprites as layer 3) Box object consists of flat triangles, antialiased wireframe on it, 240x160 image background, block effect in blended sprite as layer. 4) Twist object, full resolution, width 33% of screen width. 5) Almost full-resolution texturized scene, man sitting on the ground, block effect overlay in sprite. 520 triangles, 493 vertices. 6) Tunnel effect background, envmapped object going around around, block effect, credits. 7) Mech-scene, 455 triangles and 1142 (!) vertices. Block effect on it. Cameras suck, this scnee running way too long, but that's laziness you know :) 8) End of demo, some noise for ya :) Yes, some of the scenes have fps quite down, but yep, GBA isn't actually meant to be used in 3d games, but 2d sprite-based ones. If you think the CODE is very slow, well, please prove it and do it better yourself :) FEW WORDS --------- Ok, I had the 3d engine almost working since February, and we've used it in some productions already. We started to produce this demo on Tuesday, 5 days before deadline. Most code is written in C, some critical parts in arm asm. CREDITS ------- shadez - code, some gfx serial - 3d models, gfx ruuvari - music Mail me: - shadez/moonhazard Sorry for my english :)
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