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Thermonuclear Manilow by Atomic

ATOMiC ANSI Proudly Presents...
     ┌┬───  │  ┌─     ┌──  ┌──┐  ┌─┐               ┌┐
 ┌──┬┴┘   ┌─┘ ┌┴─   ┌─┘    │┌─┘  │ │ ┌─┐  ┌───┐  ┌─┘│
    │   ┌─┴─┬─┘  ┌──┴── ┌──┼┘   ┌┘┌┘┌┘┌┘ ┌┘  ┌┘ ┌┘ ┌┘┌┐ ┌
    ├─ ┌┘  ┌┘┌───┘     ┌┘  ├┬ ┌─┘┌┘┌┘┌┘┌─┘  ┌┘ ┌┘┌┬┴─┘│ │   │
   ─┘      │ └───────      ││    └─┘┌┘ └┐  ┌┘ ┌┘ └┘ ┌─┘┌┘  ┌┘┌─┐
                                    │   └──┘      ┌─┘ ┌┘   │┌┘ └
   (That's a weak ascii rendition of              │ ┌─┘  ┌─┘│
     the word 'thermonuclear' for you               └────┘ ┌┘  │ │   ┌──
       non ansi fellows)                                   │ ┌─┘┌┘┌──┴─
                                                           └─┘ ┌┘┌┘    ┌───┬─
  ░░░░  ░░░░  ░░▒▒  ▓▒▓▓  ██ ██ ▓█     ▒▒▒░  ▒░    ░░         ┌┘ └────┌┴──┬┘
  ░░ ░░░░ ░░ ░░  ▒▒ ▒▓ ▓▓ ██ ██ █▓    ▓▒  ▒░ ░░    ░░         └──  ┌──┘ ┌─┘
  ░░  ░░  ░░ ░░▒░▒▒ ▓▒  █▓██ ██ ▓█    ▒▒  ░▒ ▒░    ░░              ┌───┬┴┬─┐
  ░░      ░░ ░░  ▒▒ ▒▓    ██ ██ █▓    ▓▒  ▒░ ░░ ░░ ░░                ──┘ └─┘
  ░░      ░░ ░░  ▒▒ ▓▒    ██ ██ ▓█▓▓▓  ▒▒▒░   ▒░░░░░
ATOMiC '93      Become a programmer and never see the world.     ATOMiC '93
                                     - Professor X-Man

Anyone can join if they can draw ansi's, program, do VGA's or .MOD's.
      Send e-mail to 6@3101 WWIVNet or 1@10 ThoughtNet.

"So what is it?"

    What, the demo or the group?

"Err, both."

    One at a time, please.

"Alright, the demo."

    Alright.  The demo is one of ATOMiC's first VGA/Soundblaster, IBM demo
style demo, like the big boys at Future Crew or Witan.  This is a mix of
Turbo Pascal, assembly, and other fun languages to produce a very silly and
offensive graphical and musical show.

"Who wrote it?'

    That's a pretty complex question, actually.  Here's the creds...
Main Programming - Random Q. Hacker
Fade Routines - Andy Ventura
Animation Routines - Kai Rohrbacher (anivga)
Music Routines - Mark Cox (mod-obj)

"And the group?"

    It's an anarcho-syndicalist commune bent on the preservation of the

    Sort of.  Well, not really.  What it is is a group of ANSI artists,
GIF specialists, MOD composers and demo coders swapping work and generally
enjoying life.  We're always accepting new artists/musicians/coders at
the mail adress above.

"Are you really a programming fraud working off the code and sweat of others,
 as well as music by other people?"

    No comment.
    No, seriously, the amount of code out there for graphics and music
in Pascal is very weak and I probably won't be at an efficent at assembly
for awhile, so I have to rely on public domain routines for now.  As
for the music, I'm not sure if it was ripped or written by someone else or
what, I simply sifted through the public domain looking for music that would
work and stuck it in.

"Planning on doing anything else while waiting for the lawyers to arrive?"

    I don't like that tone, pal... :)  Actually yes, I'm planning on another
demo entitled Ziplok Messiah (a very interesting title which DESERVES to have
something written for it) which will have some original music and maybe
faster music routines.

    So, until then, be seeing you.

ATOMiC '93                   Feeeeeeelings.                      ATOMiC '93

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