Necrophobia by Exhumers [web]
.necrophobia. an _EXHUMERS_ demo for the SCEneST - Rage'98 megaparty This is the second true color demo of Exhumers which features our new 3D engine and a lot more improvements we had invented in the past few months (the whole development lasted about a year). By the way, you can change the demo language from ENGLISH to HUNGARIAN (!!!) by pressing the "h" key while the EXHUMERS logo is visible at the demo opening part. The demo autodetects the available video modes. If the only available mode is 256 color, (and you know that your video card supports true color, or hicolor or whatsoever) then try running a UNIVBE, because it will (probably) enable more video modes. The demo is optimized for 320*200*24bit mode, so it WILL run faster (and provide millions of colors), than the other modes. The 640*480*24bit mode is an experimental feature, and it is not working corretly on some video cards. No hard feelings. - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - minimum system requirements: - 386 processor (the quality is awful, but the code is working ;) - 12Mb RAM (about 9.2 Mb free mem needed) - VGA compatible video card (for 256 color mode) - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - recommended system requirements: - a Pentium based computer ( P133+ ) for quality - a VESA compatible video card (for 24bit true color mode) - 12Mb RAM (about 9.2 Mb free mem needed) - Gravis UltraSound sound card, - or a (not too slow) SoundBlaster (we have no time to write a DMA used player, so the player use the SoundBlaster Direct-DAC port :( ) - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - Some technical information: - the code is 100% pure (protected mode) assembly - all calculation optimized to Pentium & true color mode (RGB 24bit) - the properties of our 3D engine : - Z-buffered - using Bounding boxes - the animation keyframes maked with our 3D keyframe-editor (wolvex) - texture mapped, phong shaded, texture mapped-phong shaded objects - Fog shading technique - 3D morphing animations - all shading and mapping is true color - Half-Subpixel polyfillers (X only) - 3D objects & scenes made with LightWave 5.5 - textures & other bitmaps made or designed with Adobe PhotoShop 4.0 - music of the demo composed with Scream Tracker 3.21 - analog sound effects generated with Analogic 1.1 - -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - Special greetings to: - Adam Seychell (DOS32) - MRZ / AstroideA (cool code tips) - the makers of - LightWave 5.5 - PhotoShop 4.0 - Scream Tracker 3.21 - Analogic 1.1 - 3D Studio 4.0 - Fast Tracker 2.08 - Sound Forge 4.0 - 04.07.98 -
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