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Space Case by Pas Maters [web]

            Mommy, why doesn't everyone make them so beautiful?
                    _      _
               |     \____/                               |
               |   __/    \__     . SP A C E ╖ C A SE .   |i
               |   \   oO  \/           58K intro         |L
               |   ( .      )                             |k
               |    \______/          by PaS MaterS       |e
                Welcome to our party-independent 2D planet

  RELEASED ON....................................A beautiful winter's day

  REQUIREMENTS......................................Amiga 1200 (020&2Meg)
                                           Runs on everything above that.
                    Run without caches to avoid possible timing problems.



  BONUS.................You also get the original music and an uncrunched
                              version of the intro if bad comes to worse.

  GREETS................Optic, Dascon, Ganja, Cyclone, Mortimer Iglesias,
                    Lloyd, Pluksel, Virgill, Prog, Surfing, Acryl, Azure,
                       Prodigy, and all the rest on our planet we forgot!

  REST OF THE PLANET........Bannasoft, Shmoovy, Hollywood, Dexter, Raato,
                         Pink, Murk, JORMAS, Oxide, Frame, Mr.Sex, Kalms,
                  Tuna, JORMAS, Kermit, Duken, Tommy, Raccoon, DA JORMAS.

   No greets at all to the people (and aliens) on the Yu-scene for they
            seem to be releasing only e-mails and nothing else.
 Curse on the american movie industry for trying to make aliens look bad!

                (C) Ganja, Beer & 50 fps Amiga Productions.
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