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charity by Park Studios [web]

   p a r k .studios	
 						  (   http://parkstudios.net _  )
        : ::    :: zerozerothree ..

	'charity ep' ╖by park and friends

	..:...:::...:::::::::::::........:::.::......::.:.:... .   .
		'nightkin' by vae				4:50

		i've always preferred silence on christmas. 
		on the 24th of december, i try to avoid places with
		radios playing christmas tunes, televisions showing 
		the same programs every year. 
		the best way to rest is to close your ears.
		nightkin is, basically, my vision of what music 
		should be like on the christmas eve.
		not the endless feed of cheesy christmas carols, 
		just music with a hint of the feeling.
		something that's mild enough not to fill your head, 
		sweet enough to keep you calm.
	...:...:::...:::::::::::...::........:::.::......::.:.:... .   .
		'goodnight kiss' by nagz / greenroom, 243	2:45
		in fact, this music has no story. i just sat there
		and wrote this one in about 3 hours. i was at my 
		(now ex-) girlfriend, Triny.
		i don't want to waste more words..... take a listen 
		to this moody ambientish track. i hope the title 
		can give you a taste of its emotions :>

	.:...:::...:::::::..:::::........:::.::......:::::.:.:... .   .
		'daydreamer' by velvet				2:40
		in the year's loveliest time it's unbearable not 
		to have daydreams. "daydreamer" is made in thoughts 
		of the person who is now very far from here this
		christmas. i hope everybody will have a brilliant 
		chirstmas and cozy winter.
		(made 1st place; http://www.dialogos.cc)

	.:::...:::...:::::::::::::........:::.::......::.:.:... .   .

		'solace in music' by netpoet			5:40
		as you might have guessed i took the jingle bells theme
		to introduce you to my little world of snow and love.
		for the first time i actually used my beloved trinity
		to create the sounds i have desired for such a long 
		what else is there for me to do than to look for the
		big love in these sounds that fade out all that every-
		body has the whole year round?
	..:...:::...:::::::::::::........:::.::......::.:.:... .   .
		cover artwork by timo harju (visualice).

		please be sure to guide your eyes to his wonderful 
		website.. http://personal.inet.fi/taide/timo.harju/
	..:...:::...:::::::::::::........:::.::......::.:.:... .   .


  		hendrik st÷teler   (a-move)     _  _ __a-move@parkstudios.net
  		matthias h. risse  (xenon)          _ __xenon@parkstudios.net
		kristian perusic   (velvet)    _   _ __velvet@parkstudios.net
		frank stiegler     (netpoet)      _ __netpoet@parkstudios.net


  		jacek dojwa	   (falcon)                 _ ___falcon@ae.pl
		vΣin÷ ala-hΣrk÷nen (vae)	_   __  ________strala@dlc.fi	
		david halmi	   (nagz)          _ ___nagzrm243@hotmail.com

		timo harju	   (visualice) 	  _ ___timo.harju@pp6.inet.fi
		tobias heim	   (xxx)		  _  __xxx@haujobb.de

  	'play_ listen __realize (with).'

		(win) xmplay__ _   _                 http://www.maz-sound.com

		note 1: the format you find these songs in is ".mo3" which is
		        nothing else than a usual ".xm" file with samples in
  		        mp3 instead of the usual wav format. the best player to
		        handle these files with is in our opinion xmplay.
		        to make life easier for you we included xmplay in its
		        currently newest version 1.7. thanks to the un4seen
		        people for allowing us to include the package in our
		        music disk!
		note 2: we also included "unmo3.exe" in this ep for all those
			of you who like to listen to the tracks in ft2 and who
			want to reconvert the tracks into ".xm" format. please
			run >> reconvert.bat << to automatically reconvert all
			track to back to xm-format. 

	'legal stuff.'

		copyright (c) 2000 by the members of park studios, 
		all rights reserved. (www.parkstudios.net). 

		all tracks are written and performed by the respective authors.
		it is allowed to copy the content of this archive without any 
		modifications for non-commercial use. 

		broadcasting is allowed if the authors of the songs and the source of 
		the file (www.parkstudios.net) are clearly stated and if a note is sent 
		to all@parkstudios.net that, when and where the track was/is played. 

		we welcome everybody who likes our music, so please be so fair to let
		us know when and where our music is played!
		all other rights are reserved.

╖ park over and outt t     t                          t.
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