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Mechanical Dreams by Suspend [web]

                   ╖                                         ╖
                   :                                         .
                   l                                         i
             ______|_                                       _|______
            \\     |/                                       \|     //
        -|---\     i                                         i   -/---|-
         |        /ª                                         ª        !
   ___   ª   _______     ___        _________  ___        ________       ___
  /  /_______\     /____/  /________\       /_/ _/________\_     /_______\  \_
 \\__       //    /ª   /__       / /________\   _/      /  /      /          //
    /       /\_________\ /      /_____\  -no/---\_______\-/      /________\--\
   /               .    /                                /_______\\
                   |                                         .
                   :     s    u    s    p    e    n    d     |
                   ._            infofile 11.2oo3            .
                   |/                                        |
                  /|                                         |
                   :                                         ª
                   ╖                                         ╖
       ___        _     ___         .____      ___       _______   ___.
    _//  /_______(/____/  /_________|  //______\_ )______\      \__\_ |--/_
    \          /      /__        /        //    /     /  /      /\   |    /
                   .                                         .
                   |                 history                 |
                   .                                         .
        may 97 - suspend was founded by carson, rappid, drawer & toaster
                   jun 97 - bald m, bear, dan & inikep joined
               aug 97 - 64kb borntro 'acid' was 2nd at gravity 97
                   .         nov 97 - raiden joined          .
                   :    dec 97 - motzel & realman joined     |
                            jan 98 - pointman joined         |
                   .          feb 98 - yasi joined           ª
                        mar 98 - realman was kicked out      ╖
                  apr 98 - demo 'yawn' was 3rd at rush hours98,
                      64kb intro & music disk also released
      aug 98 - 64kb intro 'technet' was 1st at quast98, first on the world
            4kb realtime raytracing intro 'trace your mind' was 2nd,
                 demo & crazy demo also released. insect joined
                4kb intro 'wolfenstein 4kb' was 3rd at gravity98
                  .     demo 'contact' was also released     .
                            sep 98 - soulless joined
                 oct 98 - bald m, bear, dan & inikep kicked out
       nov 98 - 64kb intro 'frontpage' & 4kb intro 'trace your mind' were
                     1st at satellite 98. rav & flow joined
                dec 98 - year 1998 was the best year for suspend
                          twelve productions released
       jan 99 - 'frontpage' was the "intro of the week" in demojournal#26
           feb 99 - 64kb intro 'backpage' was 7th at ambience99. why?
                     ask people who faked votes. lett joined
                mar 99 - demo 'robomatiks' was 1st at astrosyn99
            'backpage' was the "intro of the week" in demojournal#33
                  .    drawer, motzel &toaster kicked out    .
                  ╖     one year of suspend's inactivity     |
                  ª     jul 99 - lazur and benji joined      .
                             aug 99 - kobold joined          ª
                  ╖     oct 99 - yasi & kobold kicked out    .
               dec 99 - vincent joined, flow & soulles kicked out
                  .        jan 00 - benji & lett left        .
                  |            feb 00 - lsd joined           /
                  l       mar 00 - ural & fremen joined      |
                  |        apr 00 - clifford m joined        |
                  i         may 00 - clifford m left         !
                  |    aug 00 - jubilee 3dEngine released    ;
                  .      aug 00 - szudi joined               .
                  |       aug 01 - lobo kicked out           /
                  .       aug 01 - fate joined               .
                  l         aug 01 - ubik joined             |
                  |       aug 01 - booncol joined            |
                  i         aug 01 - lion joined             !
              sep 01 - demo 'antropology' was 3rd at symphony 2k+1
                  .        may 02 - degrysin joined          /
                  |         may 02 - nether joined           .
                  .         may 02 - niggle joined           |
                 may 02 - slonecznik #1 charts magazine relased
                  l         june 02 - grass joined           |
                  i        june 02 - insane joined           !
                  . june 02 - insect kicked out (inactivity) .
          july 02 - preview of demo 'the s' was 2nd at symphony 2k+2
                  | august 02 - fate kicked out (inactivity) |
                  l august 02 - rav kicked out (inactivity)  . 
                  i      august 02 - neuromancer joined      /
                  .         august 02 - mime joined          !   
           august 02 - demo 'tangle' was 5th at syndeecate party held 
                   in czech republic. this was first nether demo
      october 02 - demo 'the s' final version was presented out of compo
                  i    and relased at abstract 2002 party    /
                  .        october 02 - niggle left          . 
                  |    october 02 - pointman left the scene  / 
                  june 03 - slonecznik charts magazine relased
                  .  june 03 - lazur left the scene          !   
                  i   june 03 - fremen, ural, szudi left     . 
                  l          june 03 - mobby joined          / 
                  .        september 03 - rcl joined         !             
                  .      september 03 - l graph joined       !             
    september 03 - demo "mechanical dreams" was 1st at Abstrakt 2k+3 Party   
                 november 03 - slonecznik charts magazine relased                    

   ___  _____  ___.      ____  _____  ___        ___        _______  ___
  _\  \/    /_/ _/_______\   \/    /_/  /_______/ _/________\      \/  /______
 \\   \/     /  _\      /\   \/     /  _       /  _\     /  /      /__       //
                  .                                          .
                  :                  members
                  .                                          :
               booncol .................................... coder
               degrysin ............................3d graphician  
               carson ................................. organizer
               grass ................................... musician
               insane .................. graphician.3d'graphician
               lion ....................................... coder
 	       l graph ............................... graphician         
	       mime .................................. graphician
               mobby ................................... musician
               nether ..................................... coder
               neuromancer............................ graphician
               raiden .................................. musician
               rappid ................................ graphician
               rcl ........................................ coder
               ubik ................................3d graphician
               vincent ......................... trader.organizer
                  .                                          .
                  .                                          .
                  |                                          ª
               ________  _______     ___            ___   ___╖
           ____\      /__\      \____\_ )___________\  \_/  /_______
          \\  /_______\  /      /_    /     //          /\__       //
           /_____\   |---\______\\__________\/_______\--\__/_______\
                  :                                          .
                  i                productions               |
                  .                                          .

      acid              - 64kb intro   - toaster   - gravity'97      - 2nd
      yawn              - demo         - pointman  - rush hours'98   - 3rd
      whooznext         - 64kb intro   - motzel    - rush hours'98   - ???
      torpid brain      - msx disk     - toaster   - rush hours'98   - ---
      technet           - 64kb intro   - pointman  - quast'98        - 1st
      trace your mind   - 4kb intro    - pointman  - quast'98        - 2nd
      xxx               - demo         - pointman  - quast'98        - 9th
      brutal stories    - crazy        - pointman  - quast'98        - ???
      contact           - preview      - toaster   - ---             - ---
      contact           - demo         - toaster   - gravity'98      - 8th
      wolfenstein 4kb   - 4kb intro    - pointman  - gravity'98      - 3rd
      front page        - 64kb intro   - pointman  - satellite'98    - 1st
      front page+       - 64kb intro   - pointman  - our distro      - ---
      trace your mind 2 - 4kb intro    - pointman  - satellite'98    - 1st
      ugly mind         - ascii coll.  - insect    - satellite'98    - ---
      robomatiks        - demo         - lett      - astrosyn'99     - 1st
      backpage          - 64kb intro   - pointman  - ambience'99     - sux
      trace your mind 3 - 4kb intro    - pointman  - our distro      - ---
      jubilee           - 3d engine    - pointman  - our distro      - ---
      antropology       - demo         - booncol   - symphony 2k+1   - 3rd
      slonecznik #1     - magazine     - vincent   - our distro      - ---
      the s preview     - demo preview - booncol   - symphony 2k+2   - 2nd
      tangle            - demo         - nether    - syndeecate 2k+2 - 5th 
      the s final       - demo         - booncol   - abstract 2k+2   - ---  
      slonecznik #2     - magazine     - vincent   - our distro      - ---
      mechanical dreams - demo         - rcl       - abstract 2k+3   - 1st
      slonecznik #3     - magazine     - vincent   - our distro      - --- 

                  ª                                          .
                  ________________       ___   ________   ___:
             _____\      //      /_______\  \__\_     /__/  /______
             \\  /_______\      /            /  /      //__       //
              /_____\    \______\/________\--\-/_______\/_/_______\
                  .                                          .
                  l               future plans               |

                     demo: lion, degrysin, raiden, rappid
             music disk: grass, lion, insane, rappid, vincent 
                        slonecznik #4 : chartsmagazine 
                  .                                          |
                  .                                          :

                  .                                          i
      ___         :___      ________  .__           ___   ___.       .___
    _/ _/__________\  )_____\_     /__| //__________\  \_/ _/________| /_/__
    \  \      /\    \    /   /      /       /           /\ \       /       //
    /__/______\__________\--/      /________\/_______\--\__/_______\_______\
                  .        /_______\\                        .

                  .                  contact                 .
                  l                                          ª
                  .                                          :
                  !                   snail mail             i

                  ╖    carson                       vincent  ╖
                  slawek rogalski            andrzej bartosiewicz
                ul.makarskiego 47/3            ul.raczynskich 2
                  . 49-305 brzeg              66-400 gorzow wlkp.

                  :                  email contact           .



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                        /__\_______\-/       /________\--\

                   all ascii by noches/mimic . noches@mimic.ca
                  last updated (20/11/03) by carson and vincent

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