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OMATUNNONSILMAT by Brainlez Coders!

                                  c|o o|c
                                   | - |

                   B R A M - P I U - P I U - T U I - T U I

                        _the_ (one day) demonstration
                              (one night)

                        presented by the one and only:

                       B R A I N L E Z    C O D E R S !

                          first time at anarchy'97
                           held in laukaa/finland

                     (C) Copyright 1997 Brainlez Coders!

           (Read BC!LEGAL.TXT for disclaimer and complete copyright)

Some rumours (by the partyorganizers) told that this demo came SECOND in
the compo - not sure, but what the hell. This is the final version, we
got fucked up coz the lack of time, but managed to make something for
those parties. Compo version didn't include DOS4GW.EXE, so here's it
too. Some said we were responsible for some illegal action at the party-
place, (I guess they ment that Stoaways(?) thing) that surely isn't true,
we were drunken (like 99% of the partyattenders) but we'd never do such
a stupid thing as someone did. (our computer was stolen at asm'96, we know
it isn't nice feeling if something of yours gets stolen)

That's it, thanks for organizers, it was quite a nice party but it should
had last for longer (after all, we had to leave the partyplace coz there
was <wild guess> 1-5 guys and us at saturnday morning ;))

And sorry we couldn't make this better looking, we had something like
4-6hours time to put effects together and make somekind of synchros :)
(It was quite a hell coz only one of us had coded on Watcom before..)

Greetings to all who were at those parties, couldn't think better party-
mates right now.

PARTYREPORT with pictures WILL BE released _if_ I remembered to took
enough pictures on our trip.. (and if the pictures are good enough)

- Sliver / Brainlez Coders! 14/July/1997 (03:06am)

The Story   (90% LiVe From Da PlaZa!)

    Specielo greetings and regards to MRI/DoomsDay for his/her EXCELLENT
    tutorial (FatMap) 

    One day, three men decided to gather together and code a marvellous
    demonstration for a world famous mega-event-of-the-summer -party
    called ANARCHY'97. So, two days before the party, two brave men
    started their six hours lasting trip from Helsinki to Savonlinna.
    Finally, after their asses were totally bored of six hours of
    plain sitting, they got to the coding-place. Then, they started
    the ultimate sitting && coding session, which took another six hours
    of the day, then they went for a 11 hours sleeping session.
    Then they woke up and realized, that it was only about 24hours
    time to make the fucking demo ready and get their asses to the
    partyplace. Eleven hours went and they had _the_ engine ready.
    So, now it was time to make the demonstration, but for some
    mysterious reason they couldn't get the project started. After
    watching some old stupid demos they finally sneezed their noses
    and started to make design, THE design.

    Hm, now I'm writing live about our coding session, this is Sliver
    typing the board. It's 01:30am, Heap is coding "Täältäpä tulee
    Micron"-effect and is wondering what the hell he is doing.
    Our bus leaves 01:05pm (If I remember it right) -sOoo, we're quite
    busy, too bad Lammas didn't give me permission to cräsh his
    bbs and connect my harddisk into bbs-computer and so on, I could
    have coded on this one too.. Heap looks quite weird, he's wondering
    how he could calculate the starting point for something. Lammas
    just came from das toilet and seems quite fascinated. He found
    a nail from his foot, somebodys been cutting his nails, probably.
    Heap looks weird again, I guess he has no idea what he is doing,
    now they are fighting about Microns size (meaning the picture,
    but it sounded very funny when they were arguing about it :))
    ouuright, that's the spirit. Hysteric laughing, Heap forgot to
    do something so he got 'a bit' errors when compiling.. Wow,
    I learned something new about Elvis. And now, GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT!
    Haaahahah.. DOS/4G kicks the arsosses. I Feel tired, probably I
    should eat one of those coffein pills, just a sec, I'll get some
    Coke with it. - And world goes upside down. We have picture of
    Primon, a drawn picture of the leg of Micron and so on. Now I'm
    waiting Heap to finish that shit, he's trying to solve a problem
    wait, now Lammas goes and edits the source.. Fascinating, you
    don't have to deallocate memory in Watcom C, Wow, One feature I
    didn't know about it. We have now 1+1+1+1, WOW, four parts/effects
    ready :)  Lammas started to make a 3DS system. He's probably making
    a "BC!" logo, probably AND WITH A DEFAULT FONT, cool _=)
    Hey, It looks GOOD. Possun pitää tulla kutemaan.

    sliver:\> md heap
    sliver:\> cd heap
    heap:\> md lammas

    bram, me halutaan kikka. Sliver made it clear that lammas is a fractal,
    mandelbrot perhaps, or maybe (baby) one of sliver's (in)famous pussy
    fractals. our "3d-engine" has a few bugs, but who really cares. bram,
    the word of the is "brul", uh, I ment "bram". btw. greets to tuomas.
        uh, the story, I forgot it, but hmm, it's coming, it's coming,
    here it is "The Story" (SE Tarina).
        Long time ago (approx. 34 hours), I began to drink, now I'm
    definedly in drunk, I mean verydrunk.
        Wow, I'm to myself, I am a CHEERLEADER, ups, cheese, cheater.
    bram, siNGING off.

    <lasse kompensoi villen kirjoitus nopeutta>

    "täältäpä tulee jokumuu...."

    heap:\> md joku_muu
    heap:\> cd joku_muu
    joku_muu\> bram.
    bram: "piupiutuitui, kellon aika on 0215"

    joku_muu\> echo %farts_per_hour%
    bram: sliver 2 fph
    bram: heap 0.5 fph
    bram: lammas 0 fph (slow - whatta 3d-engine, only 0 fphs)

    "täältäpä tulee lammas...."

    Pojat meni tupakoimaan kun ne nostaa egoaan, mutta minäpäs vain koodaan
    ja kahjustan tervistän näin. Jos tämä demo joskus tulee valmiiksi, tai
    siinä on >1 partti, se ei ole tämä sama demo, ei tästä tule paskaakaan.
    Despite the complexity of our own native language I'm for some meticulous
    reason forced to scrabble with english, oh hell with it, suomea taas.
    "tässäpä menee lammas...."

    "tässäpä tulee hyvää huamenta.. heap"

    tupakka on hyvää, tupakka tappaa, paska. pois. koodia. tänne. nyt.
    heti. ei. pois. ei. paha tubaga. <sliver> paskan pakottaminen on julmaa.
    pois. heti.

    "tässäpä mennään pois. "

    Gyyd Öörning [huva; uomenta], täältäpä tulee Sliver.
    OK, we have a ROUTINE, _the_ rotating BC! logo, it works.. I've missed
    two hours, magically, how else.. My head is a bit upsidedown and round
    it goes. Heikki Halme SuperStar, the operetti.. Tokyo Ghetto Pussy
    and I wanna beat'em down for everyone, down down jee-eee! .. Whoa,
    the first bus leaves Savonlinna at 7.05am, it's 2:47am now and
    Lammas is fighting with the camera (and it rotates) and now he's
    making another bc!.3ds logo because the one he made one/two hours
    ago pisses too much. Ehdotin, että aletaa nyt kokoo sitä vitun demoa,
    mutta ei sitte, väännetään sitte sitä effektiä, pirulainen, sehän on
    3D Lofter. And now the ultimate 3D Editor, 1662 faces, whoa, that'll
    be nice enough.. Ääh, now he's making another one, goddamnit, this'll
    take time, too much of it. Ok, now trying, let's see what we got :)
    Phong looks lame if we compire it and our shading, that shading is
    probably (C) Lammas/bC!/cP/tAAt.. Beware envmap, gourad, flat, here
    comes THE SHADING! (se sheidaus <heap sano>)
    Compiling again, and fixing again, moving camera to a upper position
    and compiling again-> Nah, wasn't good enough, fixing camera movements
    (again) and scratching head, it's 03:00am,.. Fixing again, it sucked,
    camera was too high. "No warnigns, no errors" I'm feeling quite weak,
    someone called into the bbs or then someone logged off, don't know,
    akrovaatio, innovaatio, inventaario, monetaario, planetaario,
    delfinaario, skenaario, juhla pii.. matches? Ten matches and some
    fails, bc! camera goes rotate rotate rotate. Did I tell you about
    our karaoke-singing session previously done tonight?-) We played
    Kikka on the back and song on it and recorded it on another cassette,
    it was something. something, probably, something.
    SPY menar Savonlinnan Puhelin Yhdistys
    "Mitä vähemmän verteksejä, sitä vähemmän feissejä" - Heap'97
    "Tuskin" - Lammas'97
    "haha" - We are us are They'97
    BTW, it looks good already, why is he fixing it all the time?
    Ok, Heap went coding, Lammas went reading this shi(r)t. Täydellinen
    Englanti, Void Main Voide Avoid? En kyllä ymmärrä miksi kirjoitan
    englanniksi, sehän typerä kieli - ranskalaistenkin mielestä.
    Sliver goes away. 03:25am, Whee...

    "we are usa are they?" -heap7997799779 (herra 47)

    bram: sliver - 4/3.0... fph
    bram: heap   - 0.333... fph
    bram: lammas - 0.000... fph

    "nyt mennään, nyt mennään, on meillä on kivaa.. "

    Good mörning Sverige, här kommer klockan trefyrtifem <AM> (ano mummolta)
    Tryffelsgatan springer till finger. 17hours withour sleeping.
    Party will began in 11hours, we have 8hours time to finish this demo,
    pack-up our stuff, have some food, buy some beer, copy stuff into disks
    et cetera fetera fetajuustoa.

             ccc         ______________
            cCCCc       /              \
            /o o\______/          ____  \    jakki, makupala, myös
           / _°_ \----/          /       \                    minulle.
          /   ~   \   \_: _      \     :  )
          \_______/     | |_______\__  |_/
                        l_l         l__l  sLV^
                       <__l        <___l

    4:35 am
        3dengine - working
        midas    - not working
    4:36 am
        everythings fine, demo consist two parts.
        first 3d "bc!" arrives, and after that our
        mighty duck comes with didii sound. duration
        of this tynkä is approx. 15 secs.
    4:40 am
        wow, kikka rules. wow. 8 hours till our buss leaves,
        gotta rush.
    4:45 am
        sliver comes from bathroom, (tilanne) photo was taken.
    4:50 am
        after few minutes (hours) we have new effect.
    4:50 am
        yup, yuo guessed right the new effect isn't working,
        some variables weren't declared. we're playing 80's
        hits now, the music sounds good.
    4:53 am
        uh, the effect works fine, only palette sucks.
    4:54 am
        wow, it finally works.
    4:54 am (update)
        well, from some mysteryous reason one rectangle
        is missing.
    4:58 am
        our happy rectangle is still missing, we lost one
        of our data buffers
    4:59 am
        it finally (i'm not lieing) works.
    5:00 am
    5:05 am
        ei siihen voi oikeen luottaa, ai mihin? no siihen että
        mei dokata partyillä.
    5:06 am
        the duck is missing. damn. how the hell did that happen.
    5:07 am
        the duck is missing, again. fuck. whatta hell.
    5:xx am (xx<15)
        bram, they're working.

    Longer updates, not so intense though.. (lammas writing..)

    So the duck works, I resign, heap takes over, Sliver shoots some
    pictures, everything works. No there is a small chance to actually
    see this demo on a screen, that is if it is finished till deadline.

    Uh oh, syncronisation problems, not good, not good. Still got a
    pentium though, demo works.
   <<  _ _  >>    3D IS OUT OF STYLE! (old fart)
    e  (oo) 3   ,
    /  <    \  /
    \ -'`-  /
    Line ! TÄTÄ TAHTOO KUMPIKIN (sattuu , sattuu, niin ihanasti sattuu...)

        moi,slv tässä sanoo sanoja. heap kääntää rutiinia, heap is
        converting a routine, keksittiin juttua, öäh,, .
        pää nuokkuu eestaaseestaas, kyllä tästä jotain tulee, usko pois?
        tänään alkaa partyt, pitäs pysyä hereillä jonneki 13:00 tienoille,
        sit pääsee kait nukkumaan bussiin pariks tunniks, ennenku päästää
        laukaalle. pieksämäki kakkaa pöksyyn.

    06:24 am
        our line routine isn't working. our 3dnegitimativemotor works
        but lineroutine doesn't, funny isn't it.

    06:52 echo atz^atm^atdt611086^ath >com1
        tuli putupoksuus, tai siis olen siili, pieni poika
        täältä hyvinkäältä paska poika tanssii macareenaa
        salsan tahdissa, pojat koodaa ja tanssiii polkkaa,
        ei yksin saa syödä, ei yksin tanssia saa, pois, ei
        posi, position nolla, ei tapeta eläimiä. pois, kaikki.

        ismosliver plays two trumpet with only one mouse.
        mice are quick and soft, and they feel sooo good,
        when you're feeling lust.
            lust, the final frontier, where every one has
        been atleast oncem, but no one hasn't explored it.
            bram, piu, pit, pit. die, mothafucker dir.
        keen my manpage, lick my sickpicturegallery with
        phong shaded primon.
            plim, said professor nutbutter once. plam, ans-
        wered his students. die, said the headmaster.
            why did they kill all those seals, why did they
        grow all those slivers.
            sliver isn't allowed to code. he's multitasking,
        I couldn't believe it, but, well, it's true.
            crowd yells, don't let sliver code, sliver, die,
        sliver, die, die, sliver, die, duck off kakka, cats
        don't play, cashmoney wont play.

    07:15 am
        crowd announces: let sliver live, let sliver code!

    07:19 at (aamu tuimaan)
        LINE!!! rutiini bugaa, yks bugisuus lisää. saatiin laukaa logo
        demon alkuun ja sitte se kaatui ku int9 oli chainattu pois.
        noin, eli siis hienoa, mun ei anneta nukkua, mutta ei kait se
        haittaa, nukun sitte bussissa. vähä tää disain on tylsää ku
        kukaa ei kuitenkaa kuutele, ok, mun alku menis näin:
        pattern#0  - TYHJÄ
        pattern#1  - LAUKAA 1997 logo   <hyvää iltaa laukaa> <täältäpä tulee>
        pattern#2  - MICRON juttu                            <micron!>
        pattern#3  - 3D BC! vieritys
        pattern#5  - ANKKA.3DS
        pattern#7  - 2DRot+Zoom'O'Matik
        pattern#8  - 2DRot+Zoom'O'Matik                      <eri 'radoilla'>

        ..hienoa, nyt noi synkit toimimaan jotenkuten, ees positionejen
        mukaan, upeeta,

    07:47 am
        lammas alkoi editoimaan kartopsin biisiä, nyt se tekee sirkusmusaa
        micronin kunniaksi. samplattiin micron sample, vähä ollaan elitejä.

    07:57 am
        joku ulkoiluttaa koiraa, hullu, aamuyöstä

    08:15 am
        now we're editing credits picture (picture of boysozone), because
        we don't have time to do font routines. <homer> boooring. boozee.
        I want beer, I want beer. I want more bear.

    08:35 am
        13000+ lines of code. syncs are partly working.

    08:40 am
        heap is working on the code, lammas went packing his party-equipment,
        our bus leaves 13:05 and the demonstration isn't even finished yet :)
        seems that it'll be unfinished, coz today is dedicated for absolute
        boozingparty (asap we arrive the partyplace) .. we'll see, lammas
        is too tired to write code which is bad, because we have effects,
        but we should LINK'EM into the demo and make some synchronisings ..
        heap is all the time trying to do something, i almost felt in sleep
        just a while ago.

                                                         ..:  .  .  :
                           ..............................: :  :∙∙:  :
The CrEdItS ArE HeRe:      :                             : :........:
---------------------      :                             :........:
    Code:                  :
        3D Engine..........: Lammas
        Cameras and things.. Lammas
        SuoEffekti.......... Lammas
        Tunneli............. Lammas
        Micron code......... Stube / Väri Sokea
        Additional.......... Heap
        Logical-And-Bug..... Heap   ("buuu!!" yells the crowd)
        Viivaeffekti........ Heap   (originally on TP7 by Sliver)
        2DRotZoomBlurred.... Sliver
        Module Player....... Midas
        Protected Mode...... DOS/4G
    Gfx:                   :
        Texture(s).........: Lammas
        B-P-P-T-T-Logo...... Heap                                  .|,
        Tyttö Sumussa....... Sliver                               --o--
        Laukaa 1997......... Sliver                             ....:
        Microns leg(?)...... Sliver                            :    :
        Scanned texture..... Michelangelo                   ...:....:...
        Objects............. Lammas                          :  .  .  :
                           : Heap                          ..: ...... :..
                           : Sliver                       :      __      :
    Music:                 :                      ....... :..............:
        Demotune...........: Toppelkängeri        :               .
        Demotune Featuring.. MyrskyMakkara .......:...............:.........
        Demotune Featuring.. Lammas
        Creditstune......... Sliver        :               :               :
        TheEnd scrollertune. ??            :...............:...............:
    Design:                                       :              :         :
        :................... The Team (ABC-Order) :..............:.........:
                           : Heap                       :              :   :
                           : Lammas                     :..............:...:
                           : Sliver                                        :
                             (And the design didn't went even close the    :
                              way it was supposed to be <added later>)     :
                             (it did <added even later>)                ...:
    Ideas:                                                              :
        Idea of coding 24h . Sliver (who sleeps on the katiska)         :
        Idea of kusetus .... Heap (who kusetti, katiska, miks te kutiatte?)
        Micron Ideas ....... Stube ja Julle
                           :.....................................       :
    This demo was coded during one night with Watcom C 10.6 or something
    using Pentium 150Mhz with 8mb memory, S3Trio64V+ 1mb, GUS 512kb(+256kb
    of burned dram) and something else. Some old code pieces from DJGPP and
    Turbo Pascal had to be converted. Graphics are mostly made during some
    weeks before the party and demotune was made during few hours.

    We were in lil' hurry, so that's why it looks 'a bit' crappy.. okay,
    what ever, it sucks, it was supposed to be cool, but it went superkewl,
    so whatever that is, it is surely a BC! production.

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