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TurboWobbel2k - A noob's first C64 assembly demo

== TurboWobbel2k - A n00b's first C64 assembly demo ==
by mikerofone - mikerofone@iknopp.de

From 0 to first C64 assembler program and demo in under #$30 hours. It ain't much, but it was honest work!

Thanks to the MountainBytes crew for specifically welcoming and encouraging n00bs to join, learn and become 1337 overnight! <3
And thanks for my neighbors and new friends for the support rendered as I tried to get a grip on 8-bit registers in the presence of 16 bit addresses.

Tools used:
* Visual Studio Code with the excellent CS64 extension (https://github.com/rolandshacks/vs64)
* KickAssembler compiler (https://theweb.dk/KickAssembler)
* Vice emulator for running and debugging (https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/)
* Spritemate for clicking together the sprites (https://spritemate.com)
* An IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 mouse that I've been using for 22 years. Here's to 22 more!
* A laptop propped up on cardboard boxes because ergonomics
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