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religion by xtacy

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         P ■ R ■ E ■ S ■ E ■ N ■ T ■ S

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   │ 1. ABOUT........                      │
   │  ■ Demo requirements
   ·     The demo requires..

           ■ 486 processor (...or more)
           ■ VGA combatible video card
           ■ 550k free memory


           ■ GUS with 256 kb ram  (..no sound option is available)
           ■ Fast 486 (486DX)
           ■ Fast VGA card

           ■ The demo is able to run in 8086 virtual mode as well as
             in protected mode (won't interfere with memory mangagers).

      For playing the music we used the GUS-player made by CASCADA.
      The demo tune was made by Mystical of Illusion.

      The reason why we decided to require a 486 processor, even
      though the demo is able to run on a 386 processor, is that
      we don't believe the demo is worth looking at if the routines
      don't run smoothly, which they won't on a 386. Anyway, we are
      sorry that Sound Blaster ain't supported.

      We take no responsibility for any damage caused by this demo
      like harddisk crashes, monitor blanking, eye or ear damages or
      whatever might happen. (Hi' Kevin, I have also always wanted to
      write this.)

      Now, to all you gyus out there who probably wonder why this
      demo weren't released at any party, like The Gathering 94,
      or Assembly 94, the reason is that the demo weren't
      finished to the Gathering (and after The Party III we deci-
      ded NOT to release a half/non-finished demo), and neither of
      us are able to attend Assembly 94.

      This demo is the result of a lot of hard work since the Party

   │ 2. The story of XTACY....             │
   │  XTACY is a danish demogroup founded in 1993.
   ·  The current members in XTACY are..

           ■ Kaare Boegh     alias JUGGLER   (Coder)
           ■ Niels Husted    alias HITMASTER (Coder)
           ■ Ruben           alias X-CELL    (Grafician)
           ■ L.P. Jespersen  alias DRANIC    (Organizer)

      As you can see from the memberlist, we haven't got any musician,
      and we could also use an extra grafician since we have intensions
      of releasing games in the future. So feel free to contact us
      for joining.

      For joining, friendship, questions etc. write to:

      L.P. Jespersen  │  Kaare Boegh     │  Niels Husted
      Porshoejvej 52  │  Virkelystvej 2  │  P.O. Pedersensvej 46
      7800 Skive      │  7550 Soervad    │  7500 Holstebro
      Denmark         │  Denmark         │  Denmark
      E-mail (FIDO)   │
      2:230/912.71    │

      Unfortunately my (Dranic's) E-mail address is changing at
      the beginning of september, so if you write E-mail, please do
      so before september.

   │ 3. Distribution...                    │
   │  This demo is freeware, and you may therefore distribute and use
   :  the demo in any manner you wish, as long as no money is charged
   ·  for it, no modifications are made and all the files are remained.
      The files in the package are:

             - Religion.exe   (executable file....)
             - Religion.000   (resourcefile no.1..)
             - Religion.001   (resourcefile no.2..)
             - Religion.002   (resourcefile no.3..)
             - Religion.003   (resourcefile no.4..)
             - Religion.004   (resourcefile no.5..)
             - Religion.xtc   (this file..........)
             - Religion.mod   (demo tune..........)
             - File_id .diz   (guess what.........)
             - *.pck,*.dat    (data files.........)
	     - *.pal          (data files.........)	

   │ 4. Greetings....                      │
   │  Greetings goes to:
   ·         ■ Select

      Well........ We always return greetings (hehe) :-)

      ■ ENJOY RELIGION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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