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Building from bedrock by Fulcrum [web]

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                            Building From Bedrock 1K

                      Code:        Seven
                      Music:       Miss Saigon
                      tools used:  Crinkler, custom tools

     * To run correctly, the intro should run at exactly 60 FPS. Otherwise
       it will run slower or faster than it was designed for, and the music
       will break down on slower cards. To ensure 60 FPS, you need:
        - A fast NVidia video card. For reference, intro runs
          fine on a mobile RTX 3060. AMD not supported this time because
          their new shader compiler has gone fully pedantic.
        - a 60-Hz display mode, if you have a 144 or similar fast screen
     	- V-Sync set to Always On in the drivers
     	- Driver features that limit limits the FPS to 30 should be turned off.
     * 300 MB ram (for the Crinkler decompression)
     * Tested on Windows 11 only
     * 1 kb diskspace

                                  .Thank You
           - Blueberry and Mentor for Crinkler 2.3
           - Metoikos for help with the music and timing

                              .About the intro.

The inspiration of this intro may be related to the fact one of my kids came along
to this Assembly :) Unfortunately, I couldn't use any of the original music, no matter 
how small, as Finland doesn't seem to have the same fair-use exceptions to copyright.
Huge thanks to Miss Saigon for replacing the music in the last hours.... Greets to
everyone I met here!

                      .                                  .
                   .:._\  _\.............................:..
                    : \   \                              :
                   ::  '   \ Fulcrum memberstatus:       ::
                    :      ------------------------      :
                   :.   seven.....................code   .:
                    :   coplan...................music   :
                    :   el.blanco................music   : 
                    :   ranger.rick..............music   :
                    :   the.watcher.........code,music   :
                    :   yncke.................graphics   :     
                    :   miss.saigon..............music   :
                    :   kneebiter.................code   :     .
                     ::                                ::     /     .
  ....................::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_    /_.......
                     :                                  :     /     /
       .: . .........:          visit us at :           :..../..... . :.
                    .:         ---------------          :.  '
           ' ''::::::: . http://www.fulcrum-demo.org/ . :::::::' '
                  .  :       .          .             . :
                _/|__:     _/|___     _/|_____      _/|_:_
               _\ _   \_ __\_ ._/__ __\_.    /______\.__ /__        -
         _     \  |\    \\ ` .____/_\   .   ' .   \ ` \|    \ -    _
      _    -   _\ |_\    \\_  \|    \\  |\     \   \_  '     \_         _
                /____      /_  '     /____\     \___/____     /
                 demo\ ____\ \ ______\sim:1\ ____\tlp.ttn\  __\
                      \|    ::\|            \|  ::     .wt\|
                       '   .::.':.   DEMO   .: .::.        '
                                / - - - - - -\

                                    - - -

                       : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts, please :

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