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Magnum A.I. by Planet Jazz

    _________      ____       ___
  .(   ._   (_____/   (. ____(_ /.
  |    l/   _    /     |/   _._/ |
 _|_   (_.__/    \_______   \|  _|_
 .\ _                          _ /.
_| \/ ╖ p L A N E t  j A Z Z ╖ \/ |_
\|                                |/
 .           presents:            .
 ╖         ┤MAGNUM A.I.┤          .
 .          a 64k intro           ╖
 ._                              _.
 |/        At TRSAC 2023         \|
 |_  _ ___                ___ _  _|

Magnum A.I. by Planet.Jazz

64 KB intro for A500/OCS 512+512 KB

Optic - Graphics, Design, Text
mA2E - Music
Virgill - AmigaKlang samples
Stolen Diaper - Code, Design

Additional Credits:
Dan - AmigaKlang2Asm
Leonard - LightSpeedPlayer
a/b - original sine table code
Blueberry - Shrinkler
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